[VHFcontesting] W3DHJ/R CQ WW VHF DM77-78-87-88

Jonesy W3DHJ mailserver at jonz.net
Wed Jul 14 22:03:10 EDT 2021

The current prediction is for temps to be in the mid to upper 90's.
That'll be a wee bit better than ARRL JUN VHF...

I'll be doing DM88 - DM87 - DM77 - DM78, in that sequence on Sat.

>I'll be doing DM78 - DM77 - DM87 - DM88, in that sequence on Sun.

If Saturday shows it to be just an FT4/FT8 Computer Contest,
I will probably blow off any Sunday operations.

More details:
  Marvin L Jones     | W3DHJ      | W3DHJ  | https://W3DHJ.net/
   Pueblo, Colorado  |  @         | Jonesy |     __ linux FreeBSD
    38.238N 104.547W |   jonz.net | DM78rf | 73  SK

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