[VHFcontesting] Scheduling Multi-band QSOs in June VHF...

Alex alex at kr1st.com
Fri May 21 11:51:44 EDT 2021

I've been using less and less assistance for contesting. I'm not planning on using any assistance this June. All this assistance is a frustrating distraction and I feel less satisfaction to make a QSO that way. So I'm 100% radio, because really, that's what I came to do. Play radio.

--Alex KR1ST

On May 21, 2021, 10:35 AM, at 10:35 AM, Gerry Hull <gerry at w1ve.com> wrote:
>Though I've not been able to participate as much in the last few years,
>I've been doing the June contest with the W2SZ MGEF group on Greylock
>(FN32) for more than 35 years.
>As we all know, WSJT has changed everything about V/U/uW contesting.
>I don't blame people for wanting to mostly QSO via WSJT:  If you don't
>a mountaintop QTH, it's the best way to maximize your QSOs, and the
>of time it takes to
>make a QSO is not as important as MAKING THE QSO.
>That said, it is extremely difficult to move to other bands, or ask
>stations to move to other bands if you are making a QSO via WSJT.
>Yes, we allow any means to make skeds: phone calls, chat rooms,
>etc.   Is that what people are preferring today?
>I have two questions:
>- Would people be interested in having a few times per hour where they
>would switch to SSB/CW from WSJT (say 2 minutes every 30?)
>During those periods, QSOs on a band could be made, or making schedules
>other bands could be accomplished.
>- Or, do most of you prefer non-amateur-means to sked?
>Gerry Hull, *W1VE  *Hancock, NH USA
>CWOps #191 | YCCC | CanAm Contest Coalition | Maritime Contest Club
>RadioSport Manitoba | ARRL | RAC | MGEF
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>VHFcontesting at contesting.com

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