[VHFcontesting] MFJ-4119 Bias Tee

Walter Miller, AJ6T aj6t at comcast.net
Fri Sep 24 00:17:17 EDT 2021

I'm trying to make use of a MFJ-4119 bias tee that is specified to 
operate up to 70 cm.  Sweeping the unit with a good 50 Ohm load on the 
output shows a nice low SWR up to 70 MHz, but above that the SWR rises 
and is 2:1 at 222 MHz where I had hoped to use it. The device looks nice 
with N connectors and a DC on/off switch, but it's through performance 
is not acceptable.  Does anyone have experience with the MFJ-4119?  The 
MFJ manual does not have detailed specs or schematic.  I'm considering 
modifying it for VHF use only.  Any suggestions other than to relegate 
it to HF use only?  Any thoughts on how much RF power it could handle at 
222 MHz?  Any suggestions on an alternative device?

73, Walt, AJ6T

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