[VHFcontesting] ICOM IC-375A Receive Issue

k3sk at buckwalter.co k3sk at buckwalter.co
Mon Apr 4 23:07:11 EDT 2022

I happen to have one of the rare and hard to find IC-375A all-mode 220 base
statin rigs.   It has recently developed an issue where there is almost no
receive audio in the USB, LSB or CW modes.  Receive audio is normal (loud)
in FM.  The radio's beep tones are also loud, even when USB, LSB and CW are
selected.   It's only the received audio that is low.   The squelch and  S
meter circuits also seem to be working as they should in any of the mode
switch positions.   

It appears there is an audio amplifier circuit that follows the 3rd mixer
that could be the problem area.  I have a service manual but haven't taken
time to open up the radio to trace out the problem.   I thought maybe before
I dive in to the rig someone else may have experienced the same and could
point me to the correct area to look.    

de K3SK
Dave Buckwalter

FM07 - Farmville VA

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