[VHFcontesting] [NEWSVHF] 222 Activity night

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Tue Dec 6 23:18:42 EST 2022

Wow! That is a great list of contacts Ron. I thought conditions were 
pretty normal.  With my internet system busted, I could not lurk on any 
chat page. Running digi modes is a problem as well as I had to remove 
the computer as the shack gets too cold and it died due to low temps. So 
I parked around 222.110 and made noise, hoping for the best. I missed a 
few but was pleased to still work a goodly number of stations.

WZ1V    FN31    SSB    Good Buddy Ron
WB2VVV    FN41    SSB
W9KXI    FN12    SSB
WA1NLG    FN41    SSB
N1SV    FN42    SSB
WA3BUF    FN20    SSB
K1PXE    FN31 CW
N2SLO    FN30 SSB great signals
WA1NVC    FN42    SSB  59 off back of his beam
WB2SIH    FN31    CW
KO4YC    FM17    SSB
VE2XX    FN25    SSB
VE3KG    FN24    SSB
WA3EOQ    FM09    CW
K2AEP    FN32    SSB
N1LHP    FN42    SSB  quarter wave whip
WA1PBU    FN42    SSB
N1DPM    FN32    SSB

Thanks to WZ1V who told me that Howard WA3EOQ was looking for me. At 
over 500 miles, it is very unlikely that we would find each other at 
random at such a distance. Signals are incredibly weak at least on this 
end with WA3EOQ running 100 watts.   Ron and Pete, K1PXE also alerted 
KO4YC to look for me and I managed to work Cornell. I started on CW but 
then noticed some very weak SSB and had to switch to SSB to complete the 
contact.  I missed a few others. I found out that VE3ZV was on from EN92 
and VE3FN was also about. (or should I say aboot?) I never  hooked up 
with them.  I quit at about 0200 UT. With no internet, it was hard to 
run any long haul skeds. Hopefully I can fix the connectivity problem.
I had an interesting chat with Stu, VE2XX. For the last month or so, his 
222 antenna has had infinite VSWR and he could not get on the band. A 
big windstorm blew through and the wind actually fixed his 222 MHz yagi. 
How many times have you heard of a windstorm actually fixing an antenna? 
The winds tend to wreck all of mine!!
Dave K1WHS

On 12/6/2022 9:21 PM, Ron Klimas WZ1V wrote:
> Condx not great, but good turnout on 222 tonight. TNX QSOs:
> K1WHS FN43, WB2VVV FN41, N2SLO FN30, W9KXI FN12,
> WA1RKS FN32, N1SV FN42, WA1NVC FN42,  K1PXE FN31,
> VE2XX FN25, N1YCQ FN41, KO4YC FM17, WA3EOQ FM09,
> VE3KG FN24, WA3NUF FN20, VE3FN FN25, N1DPM FN32,
> WB2SIH FN31, WA1T FN43, and K2RMX FN20.
> 73 Ron WZ1V FN31RH

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