[VHFcontesting] February 1st is Tuesday, and that means 222 Activity Night

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Tue Feb 1 14:22:26 EST 2022

Hi VHFers,

This is a friendly reminder that today is 222 Night, so make some plans 
to show up right after dinner. I had been starting at 2300 UT in the 
early winter before the shack became inaccessible. It was really dark by 
then, and an early start made sense.  I would always run in to W1XR or 
W9KXI, so I know that some people are listening.  You can get on any 
time, but I know that activity in the northeast USA is usually over 
around 02:30 UT or 9:30 local time here on the East coast. I am chomping 
at the bit to get on, but, with the last storm, travel through the woods 
now requires snow shoes. I have no way to haul any gear.  This is making 
me plan to get things back together as soon as enough snow melts so I 
can get back up there.  Maybe I can be there for mid March?  That is 
only a month and a half now. It all depends on Mother Nature!

So warm up the gear and make some noise on 222 MHz this evening.


Dave K1WHS

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