[VHFcontesting] DE KE1LI FN41

paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 14 10:37:33 EST 2022

Good morning all,


We're bracing for the cold weather but with 2 amps running legal limit
(6&2), I will be in shorts and a tee shirt in the shack.


6-1296 with power and preamps. All mode up to 432.


I'm hoping to visit the chat rooms but also look for "qsy 222174" or
something similar if you just worked me on digital.


I've had limited success in doing this so it would be nice to move more of


Contact info below, shack line is best.


73, have fun, Go Pates!!!!




Paul Rollinson, KE1LI


860-928-5147 shack

860-208-8814 Cell/Text

 <mailto:Paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net> Paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net


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