[VHFcontesting] [222Activity] 222 Activity Night

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Wed Jan 26 13:18:36 EST 2022

Hi Dave K1WHS, and others

David Olean wrote:

> I am sure that we 
> can adjust our lives and spend the time necessary

I realize I have yet to prove that I can now be there most Tuesday 
evenings, but I would like to think I am living proof of that. Moving my 
Tuesday activities to Monday was no small thing and it affected many 
people besides myself. I first asked about making this change a few 
weeks after you got 222 Activity Night going. It was not possible at 
that time without having serious impact on others. It took several 
months get things worked out to do this without putting anyone else in a 
difficult situation but in the end I was able to do it. 222 Activity 
Night was THE reason I made this change. I am grateful to those who 
rearranged their schedules to make this happen.

I'm just glad that I am now able to be on, even if I only get four 
contacts. Four is better than zero! I know that I can and will make more 
and over longer distances during the warmer months. Even now I could 
stretch the distance at least another 100km if there were moderate to 
large stations at that distance.

222 is my favorite band of the "lower four" and I often dream about one 
day having a bigger, more powerful setup than I do now. I could do it 
over a period of a couple of years if I were willing to give up some 
existing bands (to vacate tower space) and my 10 GHz efforts. As 
tempting as that is, I've contracted a particularly nasty case of 10 Gig 
fever and am devoting 100% of available resources to getting on that 
band. This too shall eventually pass (when I have taken that as far as I 
can) and there is still hope for something bigger on 222 in the future.

I wish there was more local activity near me on 222 as well as other VHF 
and up bands. But the return on investment this far from the activity 
centers is so low I really can't blame anyone for not doing it. If I had 
any common sense, I wouldn't do it either! Fortunately I have always 
been a bit lacking for common sense!

Qwertyitis is a definite possibility here, depending on just where the 
chair is at the time. I have the keyboard mounted to the front of the 
desk, just under the overhang of the desk top, using metal brackets. 
Most likely, my face impacting it would bust it right off of there!

I will see some of you next week. Meanwhile, I will catalog the several 
birdies I have here and pick a nice clear spot. In warmer weather I may 
investigate to see where they are coming from. They do seem to be from 
an external source.

Paul N1BUG
FN55 Mighty Frigid (at this time of year)

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