[VHFcontesting] WA2FGK

Kevin Hobbs ve3kh at icloud.com
Thu Jul 14 06:53:04 EDT 2022

Kind of sad ... another indicator of the end of an era ... Hopefully Herb and Andy will operate a little ... 73 !

-----Original Message-----
From: VHFcontesting <vhfcontesting-bounces+ve3kh=icloud.com at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Herb Krumich via VHFcontesting
Sent: July 13, 2022 4:45 PM
To: VHF <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] WA2FGK

For several years I've been talking about selling my mountain top locationand downsizing. It's now getting closer.I still have several towers to lower and a few improvements in my house to make.My last goal for operations was to load 100,000 QSO's to LOTW with my own call K2LNS.With that accomplished this morning, I have shut down my low band systemI'll be taking down a tribander and moving it to my valley QTH. That and a few wires will take me to destiny.
Twenty meter mono will be sold. Plus a 7 element Directive System for six.
One more operation will take place from the hill. I'll be using my buddies call WA2FGK,this weekend in the CQ VHF contestI only have six meters so if you hear the old FOX GULF KILOWATT call sign, please give me a shoutI'll try and do some SSB on Saturday and Sunday. Plus fill in with FT8 when neededProbably will be needed more than I thinkWhen I move and get settled, I plan on doing some low power portable operations on 50 - 1296Gentlemen = Thank you for over 60+ years of contacts on the VHF bandsWe have seen so many changes. Most for the better. Some not so73Herb K2LNS _______________________________________________
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