[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night wrap up from FN43 Mumbo Jumbo

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Wed Nov 2 11:00:20 EDT 2022

I had a great time hanging out in my shack in the woods last night. It 
all started a bit early, as KA6U in EL87 set up his portable EME system 
near Tampa and was on the air starting at 21:00 or so to avoid pointing 
toward all the big RF sources that kill his frontend. (There is a hidden 
message here, folks. Most places now suffer from the same problem. It 
happens in Maine and in Vermont too. Big digital TV signals start to 
raise the noise floor and you may not notice if you are not really 
paying attention!) Anyway, I showed up around 22:30 UT and people were 
all calling K9MRI who had rigged up his antenna to aim at the Moon. I 
got in late, but did decode him at -23 at best, and he heard some 
signals off the moon as well.  Faraday rotation was in evidence as it 
was just after Sunset here and the ionosphere does quite a dance at 
Sunset, so things were constantly changing. Signals were really good 
when Faraday lined up. When 23:00 rolled around, I did not want to quit, 
but I knew there would be some good terrestrial activity starting up by 
then. I dropped the antenna to point at the horizon.

Conditions seemed rather normal, but activity was up. I worked about 18 
stations around the NE along with five stations via the Lunar route.  
KA6U in EL87 was my first contact and it seems that his portable station 
is working great in time for his DXpedition to Georgia and South 
Carolina coming up. He has quite the itenerary coming up with 23 CM, 70 
CM and 222 MHz all on EME. Other stations who got on include WA1NLG who 
fixed his transverter in rapid fire mode, replacing a blown hybrid amp 
that died just last week! He is working on a LDMOS KW amp for 222 and 
promises to have it running in a few weeks. So get ready for big signals 
from Cape Cod!   N1SV was back for the evening.  I worked Warner, K1KG 
who got on for activity night as the XYL was not home, and he had no 
committments so he fired up the 222 MHz gear. His signal was super 
strong, and it was great to hear him banging away working people. 
Interesting when Warner first called, there was another caller 
underneath him who turned out to be K1PXE and Pete had forgotten to 
energize the amplifier and called with just his low power exciter.  We 
had another great QSO and discussed the old Benton Harbor lunchboxes.  
Pete actually had a Super Twoer way back in the 60's and we got talking 
about what a neat conversion that was. It added a superhet receiver and 
the power output was raised as well I think.  "Rig here is a 6CX8 
final".  It would be fun to find a Super-Twoer today just to see what 
things were like in the 60's.   K2AEP reminded me that he has a Twoer, a 
Sixer and a Tenner sitting in his shack right now!  Pete grew up in 
southern Connecticut and was familiar with all the old names from 144 
MHz AM years ago. We got laughing about Alex Labounsky,  WA2MTB who 
lived across Long Island Sound in Oyster Bay on Long Island. The guy was 
a real character and would embark on long discourses  on 2M AM, that 
could last from 45 minutes to over an hour.   It was common for the 
person on the other end of the "conversation"  to disappear.  Even my 
sainted mother used to listen in from her nearby sewing room when Alex 
was pontificating. He was the butt of many jokes and Harry, 
K1PLR,started a club called the ALA Network. (I had a membership card. ) 
ALA stood for  the Anti Labounsky Association. K2AEP and I had a great 
time recalling those times. WA2MTB actually wrote an article for 73 
Magazine. He also submitted a number of rules proposals to the FCC (RM 
464, RM 771 etc.)  One proposal asked for an Engineer license class with 
difficulty well above that of the Amateur Extra Class. Alex was in a 
league all his own. But I digress!!

VE3KG was on and was looking for tropo from rare FN24, as the Hepburn 
map showed some enhancement out in western NY and Ontario.  I know that 
he did hear K8TQK on tropo. For my part, I think he tried with K9MRI as 
well, looking for tropo. I tried a sked with K8TQK over a 700 mile path. 
At one point I thought I heard him but local QRM on 222.100 covered him 
up.  We moved to 222.095 but all I heard were some meteor pings. Bob had 
the same results. It was fun trying.

Here is a copy from the log.


11/01/2022 21:54 KA6U             222.100 JT65   -18 O     O *EME 
*EL87   Sunny Florida
11/01/2022 22:54 W4ZST            222.080 JT65   O O *EME* EM84AO  Georgia
11/01/2022 22:56 WA4NJP           222.080 JT65   O O *EME* EM84   Georgia
11/01/2022 23:09 N1SV             222.100 SSB    59 
59                        TR  FN42
11/01/2022 23:09 WZ1V             222.100 CW     599 
599                       TR  FN31
11/01/2022 23:17 WA1NLG           222.100 SSB    59 
59                        TR  FN41XS
11/01/2022 23:20 K2RMX            222.115 SSB    57 
57                        TR  FN20XP
11/01/2022 23:22 K1PXE            222.115 SSB    59 
59                        TR  FN31
11/01/2022 23:22 WA2ONK           222.115 SSB 
57                                 TR  FN20
11/01/2022 23:29 KC0IYP           222.115 SSB 
57                                 TR  FN42
11/01/2022 23:34 K2AEP            222.115 SSB    57 
57                        TR  FN32OW
11/01/2022 23:39 W9KXI            222.115 SSB 
57                                 TR  FN12NE
11/01/2022 23:45 K1KG             222.115 SSB    59 
59                        TR  FN42   800 watts on 222
11/01/2022 23:58 W1GHZ            222.115 CW     559 
559                       TR  FN34
11/02/2022 00:03 WA1PBU           222.115 SSB    59 
59                        TR  FN42EK
11/02/2022 00:10 W1JR             222.115 SSB    59     59 
                            TR     FN42
11/02/2022 00:19 W1AIM            222.115 SSB    59 
59                        TR  FN34
11/02/2022 00:21 VE3KG            222.115 SSB    57 
57                        TR  FN24AV
11/02/2022 01:01 VE6TA            222.075 JT65   O O *EME *DO33GS  Alberta
11/02/2022 01:13 K5QE             222.075 JT65   O O *EME* EM31   Texas 
He peaked at an insane -7 dB on JT65
11/02/2022 01:57 W2BYP            222.075 CW     579 
559                       TR FN13IB
11/02/2022 02:04 K1DY             222.075 CW     559 
559                          TR  FN54JQ
11/02/2022 02:27 K8TQK            222.075 CW 
                                         TR  EM89JE Not a complete 
contact.  signals heard both ways.
11/02/2022 02:28 KO4YC           222.095    SSB    55             
             TR  FB sigs on SSB!

I actually hung around long enough to hear K1DY get on after ten 
o'clock, and we had a good contact. Then I finished off with another QSO 
with KO4YC in FM17. At 530 miles he was peaking 5X5 on SSB no less.  
KO4YC is usually worked most Tuesdays.

I was really enjoying the stability of the diesel generator. It seems to 
be 100% fixed with no evidence of any speed oscillations.  The EME 
activity made for an exciting evening. I never got to try with W5EME, 
and I did not hear K7KQA, but having five EME contacts during activity 
night was a real bonus!


Dave K1WHS

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