[VHFcontesting] Radios Used For 222MHz

Paul N1BUG FN55mf paul at n1bug.com
Thu Sep 8 04:49:30 EDT 2022

Hi Chris,

I use a Q5 Signal transverter, FT-2000 as the IF rig, an intermediate 
amp with a BLF278 and a Harris channel 13 deck which gives 800 watts out 
with around 40 watts drive. Naturally I would suggest going with a 1500W 
amp if you can. I use a home built 22 element K1FO yagi at 115 feet and 
a homebrew "old school" MGF1302 preamp at the top of the tower.

It sure would be great to have you on the band with high power! I'd love 
to have good stations around the 500 mile mark to work. I can make that 
distance most of the time if I have a high power station with a good 
antenna at the other end, but high power stations are becoming more and 
more scarce these days.

Paul N1BUG

On 9/7/22 19:12, CHRISTOP PATTERSON wrote:
> Hello all -
> Planning for a return to VHF/UHF upon retirement at end of year.  I
> am impressed by the activity reports from 222MHz, and am thinking of
> adding it to the station.  I have never been on the band and am
> curious what most people are using for radios -  Transverters are the
> norm, but what about the IF radios, antennas and amplifiers?  What is
> considered adequate power for most work, other than enough to melt
> the solder on a connector?  Besides W6PQL amps, if Jim is still
> making them, Lunar Link, and Larcan conversions, what amplifiers and
> power levels are most people using? Has anyone successfully modified
> a 2 meter Commander II for 222MHz?  Same for antennas.  Looks like
> Terry and Directive Systems, M2 and perhaps MFJ/CC are the players.
> What are the preferred antenna setups for non-eme general use?
> Thanks for your responses.
> 73,  Chris W3CMP _______________________________________________ 
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