[VHFcontesting] It is 222 Night.

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Tue Apr 4 12:31:58 EDT 2023

This is just a reminder to not forget making an appearance on the 222 
MHz band tonight. If you have the gear, you could be making all sorts of 
contacts around the area on 222 MHz this evening. The fun starts a bit 
before 23:00 UT or 7 PM EDST. The midwesterners show up in pretty good 
numbers a bit later and activity is rather hot up to 0100 UT on the East 
Coast or past 02:00 in the midwest. I have it on good authority (from 
Good Buddy Ron WZ1V)  that W1AUV will be on from central Massachuswetts. 
Tommy has not been very active, but I did catch him two weeks ago on 
Tuesday night.  There is also WB4OMG who is always looking for a Florida 
contact on Tuesdays. Buddy has low power and a small antenna, but 
Florida is the world capitol of FB VHF conditions, so don't forget to 
turn the antler towards Florida this evening and look for OMG if you are 
in the SE.  Maybe N2CEI will get the N4SVC station running? Will WA4GPM 
fire up one of his 222 amplifiers tonight from Jacksonville?  N1GC is 
always in there from NC. The midwesterners are there too, with AA9MY, 
K9MRI, N4PZ W5EME, AJ6T, and many others making noise and looking for 
skeds. The more people that get on, will make for a fantastic time as 
stations try to work out beyond their normal working area.

For my part, I will be up and at em before 23:00 UT.  I will be on 
222.100 on CW and SSB making noise. I monitor ON4KST (144/432 Region 2) 
Chat page. I plan to walk up as the road through the field is a tad 
muddy and I don't want to rip it up.  I am still planning how to 
implement my augmented Solar charging system. I am looking for an 80 amp 
charge controller to run about 1000 watts worth of extra panels.  The 
plan is to also enlarge the battery to 600 AH. It is now at 300 AH. All 
this is to save the diesel genset for those times when I need extra 
power. I am working on a 500 watt solid state 222 MHz amp for use on the 
battery power.

So please do not forget to park yourself on 222 MHz this evening. If you 
like DX, that is cool. If you like to gab and rag chew, that is just 
fine too. It is a great way to keep up on what all ur VHF friends are doing.


Dave K1WHS

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