[VHFcontesting] 222 Activity night

Allen Oldfield aoldfiel at stny.rr.com
Wed Apr 5 08:44:05 EDT 2023

8 contacts, 7 were SSB and One (K8TQK) was CW.
K1WHS   FN43  312mi.
WZ1V    FN31  233mi.
WA3NUF  FN20  166mi.
KA3FQS  FN20  152mi.
WA3EOQ  FM09  216mi.
W1AIM   FN34  235mi.
VE3DS   FN03  170mi.
K8TQK   EM89  370mi.

Generally, I found signals were up and down here, BIG swings on most
signals.  The SSB signals were ALL Q5 here.

W1AIM.  Chip called me on CW when I was calling CQ towards EM89.  He was off
the back of my beam!  I swung the beam around and worked him on SSB.  Thanks

VE3DS.  I heard Dana when he and Ron WZ1V were try to work. I tail ended
their contact.

K8TQK.  It has been a while since Bob has been in my log.  I had been
listening Bob and Dave (K1WHS) trying to work each other.  Visualizing their
path, I thought that I was on Bob's path to Dave, so I waited until they
finished and called Bob.  The signals weren't the best (529) but we managed
to complete the contact on a "peak".

I'll be looking for everyone on the 2M Sprint next week and again on 222 on

Al - W9KXI

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