[VHFcontesting] [222Activity] [yccc] Earth-Directed Explosion on the Sun
David Olean
k1whs at metrocast.net
Sun Apr 23 16:00:11 EDT 2023
I was on CW 100% of the time in March for the aurora. There were so few
stations that I did not experiment. My headings for Toronto and Chicago
were between 295 and 305 degrees.
Dave K1WHS
On 4/23/2023 12:18 PM, Bill Olson wrote:
> Hi Dave and all, so the K index is already up to 5 and appears to be
> headed UP yahoo.. I will be monitoring 222 and 2 meters today and
> tonight. Can I assume Au activity is "old school" i.e. actual CW, or
> is there some digital mode that we are using for Aurora now?
> Frequencies? Chat on ON4KST 144,432 region 2 ?
> bill, k1DY FN54JQ Maine
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* 222Activity at groups.io <222Activity at groups.io> on behalf of
> David Olean <k1whs at metrocast.net>
> *Sent:* Sunday, April 23, 2023 2:41 PM
> *To:* Marshall-K5QE <k5qe at k5qe.com>; 222 >> 222Activity at groups.io
> <222Activity at groups.io>
> *Subject:* Re: [222Activity] [yccc] Earth-Directed Explosion on the Sun
> Hi Marshall
> I have a table front and center for live bluegrass music Sunday, and
> the music ends at 0000 UT or 8 PM. EDST. I will be tearing home and
> start monitoring 222 MHz in hopes of any possible aurora. I should be
> home by 00:30 UT Sunday evening. Now, normally, things don't work out
> when you think they will, but that does not mean that you should not
> pay attention! I remember corresponding with Ed Tilton after a
> fantastic aurora and he mentioned that you don't get conditions like
> that every day. Within a few more days, we had an aurora to end all
> auroras and I was up all night working AU buzz and Au Es until dawn.
> You never know!!
> The grass is bluegrass in Kentucky.
> Dave K1WHS
> On 4/22/2023 1:29 PM, Marshall-K5QE wrote:
>> What's wrong with you, boy?? Grass is green, not blue.....73 Marshall
>> On 4/22/2023 12:36 PM, David Olean wrote:
>>> Just a heads up. If another aurora shows up, please check 222 MHz
>>> this time. It might be open. The big AU in late March sent the K
>>> Index to 7 or so, and 222 was alive and well. The CME speed is about
>>> 580 km/s and it is projected to hit Earth at 0000 on 24 April. That
>>> is 7 PM on early Sunday evening. I will be ready and have my
>>> generator all gassed up (or dieseled up) I am supposed to be out
>>> for dinner and bluegrass music at 2200 UT but Auroras are more rare
>>> than bluegrass.
>>> K1WHS
>>> A CME is heading straight for our planet
>>> *Space Weather News for April 22, 2023*
>>> https://spaceweather.com
>>> <https://spaceweather.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0c5fce34d5ca05f64a13d085d&id=e0d99c3ae8&e=b4dd34ac1b>
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>>> *AN EARTH-DIRECTED EXPLOSION ON THE SUN: *Yesterday (April 21st), a
>>> large magnetic filament snaking across the sun's southern hemisphere
>>> exploded, hurling a CME straight toward our planet. Estimated time
>>> of arrival: April 24th. Minor to strong geomagnetic storms are
>>> possible when the CME strikes. Updates @ Spaceweather.com
>>> <https://spaceweather.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0c5fce34d5ca05f64a13d085d&id=29d4126ad8&e=b4dd34ac1b>.
>>> *Solar Flare alerts:* Sign up for Space Weather Alerts
>>> <https://spaceweather.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0c5fce34d5ca05f64a13d085d&id=3cff8d962b&e=b4dd34ac1b>
>>> to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.
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>>> *Above:* An extreme ultraviolet image of the filament exploding on
>>> April 21, 2023. Credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory
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> _._,_._,_
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