[VHFcontesting] [222Activity] [yccc] Earth-Directed Explosion on the Sun
Walter E Miller
aj6t at comcast.net
Sun Apr 23 18:27:02 EDT 2023
Hi Bill et al,
As far as I know there is no digital mode (at least not yet) that is
effective for auroral scatter. Slow old school CW is still the best
mode to try. That's what was used on 222 MHz in the last AU event that
Dave referenced. Unfortunately for me, I am still on travel back from
the Visalia DX Convention, and I won't be home until Monday evening.
Maybe the disturbed conditions will last until then....I sure hope so.
It will take a large event for aurora to be visible as far south as my
QTH in Tennessee.
73, Walt, AJ6T EM66
On 4/23/2023 11:18 AM, Bill Olson wrote:
> Hi Dave and all, so the K index is already up to 5 and appears to be headed UP yahoo.. I will be monitoring 222 and 2 meters today and tonight. Can I assume Au activity is "old school" i.e. actual CW, or is there some digital mode that we are using for Aurora now? Frequencies? Chat on ON4KST 144,432 region 2 ?
> bill, k1DY FN54JQ Maine
> ________________________________
> From: 222Activity at groups.io <222Activity at groups.io> on behalf of David Olean <k1whs at metrocast.net>
> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2023 2:41 PM
> To: Marshall-K5QE <k5qe at k5qe.com>; 222 >> 222Activity at groups.io <222Activity at groups.io>
> Subject: Re: [222Activity] [yccc] Earth-Directed Explosion on the Sun
> Hi Marshall
> I have a table front and center for live bluegrass music Sunday, and the music ends at 0000 UT or 8 PM. EDST. I will be tearing home and start monitoring 222 MHz in hopes of any possible aurora. I should be home by 00:30 UT Sunday evening. Now, normally, things don't work out when you think they will, but that does not mean that you should not pay attention! I remember corresponding with Ed Tilton after a fantastic aurora and he mentioned that you don't get conditions like that every day. Within a few more days, we had an aurora to end all auroras and I was up all night working AU buzz and Au Es until dawn. You never know!!
> The grass is bluegrass in Kentucky.
> Dave K1WHS
> On 4/22/2023 1:29 PM, Marshall-K5QE wrote:
> What's wrong with you, boy?? Grass is green, not blue.....73 Marshall
> On 4/22/2023 12:36 PM, David Olean wrote:
> Just a heads up. If another aurora shows up, please check 222 MHz this time. It might be open. The big AU in late March sent the K Index to 7 or so, and 222 was alive and well. The CME speed is about 580 km/s and it is projected to hit Earth at 0000 on 24 April. That is 7 PM on early Sunday evening. I will be ready and have my generator all gassed up (or dieseled up) I am supposed to be out for dinner and bluegrass music at 2200 UT but Auroras are more rare than bluegrass.
> A CME is heading straight for our planet
> [https://gallery.mailchimp.com/0c5fce34d5ca05f64a13d085d/images/2c55767c-48ac-43a9-a87d-c9319458f7a9.jpg]
> Space Weather News for April 22, 2023
> https://spaceweather.com<https://spaceweather.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0c5fce34d5ca05f64a13d085d&id=e0d99c3ae8&e=b4dd34ac1b>
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> AN EARTH-DIRECTED EXPLOSION ON THE SUN: Yesterday (April 21st), a large magnetic filament snaking across the sun's southern hemisphere exploded, hurling a CME straight toward our planet. Estimated time of arrival: April 24th. Minor to strong geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME strikes. Updates @ Spaceweather.com<https://spaceweather.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0c5fce34d5ca05f64a13d085d&id=29d4126ad8&e=b4dd34ac1b>.
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> Above: An extreme ultraviolet image of the filament exploding on April 21, 2023. Credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory
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