[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night Results

k3sk at buckwalter.co k3sk at buckwalter.co
Wed Aug 2 15:15:50 EDT 2023

Last night was "interesting".   Propagation here in Virginia was not as good as other Tuesday nights.  I also had very significant noise that practically disappeared at around 10:45 local.  I managed 3 SSB QSOs 2 FT8 and 1 Q65 EME with K1WHS.   I also heard several other SSB stations to the NE but never got a response.  After the noise was gone I tried EME with Ian, W6TCP.  Over a period of an hour or so I managed a full screen of decodes from him, but Faraday kept him from hearing me at all.   

Dave Buckwalter

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