[VHFcontesting] [222Activity] The 222 & Up Contest Plans EME on 222???

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Fri Aug 4 11:09:44 EDT 2023

I forgot to mention I will take the 2nd sequence in Q65B-60 Sorry about 


On 8/4/2023 9:45 AM, David Olean wrote:
> I will be on just a pair of VHF bands this time. I'll be hitting 222 
> and 432 hard and noted that the Moon rises at my place at about 02:30 
> UT Saturday night.  That is 10:30 PM on the East Coast. SO when all 
> the local activity starts to dry up, why not try to listen for EME 
> signals. You never know what might happen. You might even hear or 
> detect something. This past Tuesday during Activity Night, I had 
> contacts with W5EME, W5AFY, and K9MRI  who all were using single yagis 
> on their horizon. K9MRI had 400 watts in the shack. I am not sure how 
> much "goo" made it to his 5 wl antenna, but I actually could hear his 
> tones at times. Lets just say that his signal was plenty loud enough 
> to make the contact.
> I plan to be active for the duration of the contest and will be 
> concentrating on 222  and 432. When the Moon rises here, I will get on 
> 222.085 and use Q65 Mode B with 60 second sequences. My tone frequency 
> will be at 1500 Hz.  I am no expert on Q65B, but pay attention to your 
> bandwidth settings. If you narrow them up, you might miss things if 
> your dial accuracy is off by a few hundred Hz. SO, if you are unsure 
> of your accuracy, please adjust the setting in the F TOL box to 
> something wide like 500 or 1000 Hz. If you do detect a received 
> xmission, you can zero in on its' frequency and then narrow up the F 
> tol to get better results.
> Moon data appears on the WSJTx program if you select Astronomical 
> Data. Select VIEW drop down menu and then click on ASTRONOMICAL DATA. 
> A new box with tracking info will appear.
> My 432 antenna works on EME, but not as well as 222, so I will 
> concentrate on 222 at my  (and your) Moonrise.  The 222 & Up contest 
> is pretty laid back, so you can afford to delve into semi non 
> productive rabbit holes in hopes of a possible contact.  I am looking 
> forward to the weekend, and am gassing up the generator today. I might 
> even tidy up the place.
> If you live down South in Georgia, the Moon comes up at 03:30 at about 
> 85 degrees.   Guys near Chicago have the Moon at 03;40 or so and also 
> at about 85 degrees. Western Iowa has Moonrise at about 04:15 UT.  I 
> plan to be hitting the EME buttons up to about 0500 UT.  I would be 
> open for skeds after that from the West Coast. If you let me know that 
> you will be there, I will make a point to stay up for you.  Just give 
> me a heads up, and I will be there.
> 73
> Dave K1WHS
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