[VHFcontesting] Reminder: 6m Fall Sprint this weekend

Scott Armstrong aa5am.scott at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 13:43:21 EDT 2023

Hello All,

This weekend is the 6m Fall Sprint. Dates for the other bands fall in
September and October

The 2023 Fall Sprint dates and rules are now available.

   - 50 MHz – 2300Z Aug 26 to 0300Z Aug 27
   - 144 MHz – Sep 18 from 7 PM to 11 PM local time
   - 222 MHz – Sep 26 from 7 PM to 11 PM local time
   - 432 MHz – Oct 4 from  7 PM to 11 PM local time
   - MW/902 MHz and above – Oct 7 from 8 AM to 2 PM

 Rules can be found here.


Scott AA5AM

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