[VHFcontesting] Toosday TooTwentyToo Night

k3sk at buckwalter.co k3sk at buckwalter.co
Tue Dec 12 17:10:51 EST 2023

I'll be active for a little while this evening but will be calling it early as I want to get up at 0'dark-thirty to see if I can score FL on 222 on meteors.   I also need MA on 222.   It's the only NE state I am missing.  If there are any active stations please tell them to point my way.  I'm available for any mode, anytime. 

K3SK  FM07th
Dave Buckwalter

-----Original Message-----
From: David Olean <k1whs at metrocast.net> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 11:40 AM
To: 222 >> 222Activity at groups.io <222Activity at groups.io>; vhfcontesting at contesting.com; NEWSVHF at mailman.qth.net
Subject: [VHFcontesting] Toosday TooTwentyToo Night

Helloo Too Twenty tooers,

By gosh it is Tuesday again and time to plan out your evening. Be sure to include getting on 222 MHz this evening.  It is always more fun with more stations on generating activity.  Being winter, the tendency is for no activity as good conditions are not in the cards and people tend to hunker down inside and enjoy fun little winter pursuits like growing mildew in their cellar or watching old re runs of Laverne and Shirley. In my opinion, Laverne and Shirley was a great show only because of Lenny and Squiggy.  I was a big fan of the "Squigtones".


Wintertime is a good time to evaluate your VHF setup. There will be scant chance of any enhancement, so a nice 300+ mile contact means that your stuff is working. The only way to make 300 mile contacts is for stations to be QRV at that range. This is why activity is important!! 
The January contest is about a month away. Test your stuff.

222 action starts after dinner about 00:00 UT or 7PM on the East Coast. I will hopefully be on 222.100 a bit before 00:00 UT looking for contacts. We all tend to check in on the ON4KST Chat page (144/432 MHz Region 2)  The Moon is not in a good position, being close to the Sun. Tuesday night activity periods can e a good time to play with moonrise or Moonset opportunities.  Things don't line up for the next few weeks, but if you want to try a rising or setting Moon sked, I am willing and able to make an attempt.  Good Moonrise dates and times for the East Coast are:

December 16 16:00 UT

December 17     16:30_UT_

December 18   16:45 UT

December 19    17:15 UT

December 20    17:30 UT

Weather cooperating, I would be willing to put on a signal on those dates as a way to determine if your receiver is working well. If you are in the midwest, your Moonrise will be a bit later. Figure 15 degrees per hour as you go west. I am at 71 degrees longitude. If you are at 86 degrees longitude, the Moon is up about an hour later. This is a rough guide. You really need a good tracking program to determine the exact time for your location.

So turn on your rig and sweep off the cobwebs. If you are in a sort of rare grid, you could be an exciting catch for others so don't be bashful. Make some noise and let people know ur plans on the ON4KST chat page. The weather is rather benign for the next few days, so take advantage of it. There was some awful wx in spots as a storm moved eastward these last few days. Tennessee was hard hit by tornadoes. We got gobs of rain. I hope AJ6T made out OK near Nashville.There were bad storms in his area.  CU tonite on 222.

Dave K1WHS

The new culvert worked well. Lots of water made for a good test.

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