[VHFcontesting] january roving plans

Chris Lumens chris at lumensoutdoors.org
Mon Dec 18 14:44:24 EST 2023

As I start to consider my January roving plans, one thing I'm reminded
of is how often the weather screws things up for me here in New England.
That, plus the fact that two of my usual sites are closed due to being
on mountain tops, makes me think about maybe going roving somewhere

One idea I had was to take Friday off work, drive a little south, and
then work my way back up towards home.  The FM19/FM29/FN10/FN20 area
looks especially appealing.

I see there's loads of stations on the W3SZ map already, so I know
there's plenty of people to work.  However, I don't have any knowledge
of roving sites.  If anyone would be willing to share, I would
definitely appreciate it.  I have all bands through 10 GHz, so I would
love sites that work well for microwaves.


Chris Lumens - KG6CIH
Hike * MTB * XC Ski * Haskell
Research - Experimentation - Testing - More Testing

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