[VHFcontesting] [222Activity] 222 MHz night

k3sk at buckwalter.co k3sk at buckwalter.co
Tue Feb 7 15:50:47 EST 2023


I plan on trying to be here tonight.  I will also be logged onto HB9Q chat page.   Moonrise for me is at 00:29z   (19:29 local).   I have a clear path to the east and should "see" the moon as soon as it starts rising here.  We can coordinate freq & mode via HB9Q.  Probably Q65B or JT65B.    If we make I, you will be my first 222 EME.   I've copied W7MEM (DN17 in ID) several times but he's had receiver issues and could not copy me.   I've got  4 x 10el LFAs and 800 watts.

de K3SK

-----Original Message-----
From: David Olean <k1whs at metrocast.net> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 2:11 AM
To: Peter Van Horne <petervanh143 at gmail.com>; vhfcontesting at contesting.com; 222 >> 222Activity at groups.io <222Activity at groups.io>; NEWSVHF at mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] [222Activity] 222 MHz night

Hi 222 mavens,

I just got back home at midnight from my road trip. I went to Utica, NY.  The first thing I did was check 160 meters as it was Sunrise in Europe and the band was really hopping. Everybody was 59 it seemed. One guy in Germany had 40 watts and a low dipole!! I think I worked about 20 EU stations and then checked my e mail and saw that Peter will be QRV
222 EME on Tuesday night.  I wanted to let K3SK know that I will be looking for him later in the evening too as the Moon climbs up in the sky that night.  K3SK is a regular participant from FM07 on the 222 Activity nights.  Here in Maine, the Moon will be at 0 degrees, right at the horizon at 00:00 UT or 7PM local time when the 222 activity starts up around the NE area. I am planning to be on and was hoping K3SK can be on and we can try the EME route at some point later in the evening. At
0200 UT, the Moon is at about 20 degrees elevation here which should be good.   I will be monitoring the HB9Q chat page and plan to stay on past 0200UT and try a few EME attempts if people show up.  I have some diesel fuel up at the hilltop, so all should be OK for some 222 activity.  I think things are still working fine.   I have to haul a small laptop up to the unheated shack for the digital modes and logging, so displaying all the windows on the small 13" screen should be fun.  I carry the laptop with me while I snow shoe up the hill. We have a lot of snow here now,  and snowshoes are THE mode of travel this time of year with the heavy snow.  When the generator comes on, I have electric heat. It warms up fast.  Should be a lot of fun on Tuesday nite. Rain is predicted. I hope it does not freeze!!  Sounds like Peter has his act together as usual.


Dave K1WHS

On 2/6/2023 4:59 PM, Peter Van Horne wrote:
> Hello 222 operators,
> I plan to be QRV on 222 EME starting at about 0200UTC Tuesday night 
> local time.
> I have made a number of improvements in the 222 roving station and 
> would like to do some testing.
> I have moved the preamp close to the antennas.  I have over-hauled the 
> antennas and they are actually resonant at the right place with SWR of
> 1.2 (much better than before).  Almost every element has at least two 
> bends in it :-) I have replaced all coax cables.
> In a couple of weeks I should get my cavity preamps back (repaired) 
> and then the station will be in it's final form for the roving season.
> I have installed improved brackets for manual antenna rotation and it 
> is MUCH  easier to combat Faraday now.
> Hope to see you Tuesday night
> Peter KA6U
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 10:49 AM David Olean <k1whs at metrocast.net> wrote:
>     OK it is Monday, but, if I have my facts straight, tomorrow will be
>     Tuesday. I will be on the road today and part of tomorrow but hope
>     to be
>     home on Tuesday night for the fabulous 222 Activity Night festivities
>     starting at about 00:00 UT on Tuesday evening. Our big cold snap sent
>     the temps plummeting to -15 degrees, but things have moderated and
>     I am
>     hoping to snow shoe up the hill on Tuesday and try to get on and
>     work as
>     many 222 fanatics as I can.
>     So grease up those elements with RF grease, and put a drop of sewing
>     machine oil on those straight key bearings in anticipation of some
>     serious activity on Tuesday.  If you are not a CW buff, then maybe
>     you
>     should polish your microphone and de frag the harddrive on your shack
>     computer. There is no way you want to miss Tuesday night!
>     73
>     Dave K1WHS
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