[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night Warning
David Olean
k1whs at metrocast.net
Tue Feb 14 11:43:37 EST 2023
If you have been doing a lot of hamming and your ears are ringing with
tones and bleeps and QRM, it might be a good idea to stay off 222.100
MHs this evening as there will be more activity on that band than you
will want to endure. Tuesday nights are THE night for 222 activity.
Last week was an ordeal upnherein the semi wilds of Maine. After snow
shoeing up to the shack, i was greeted by snow, sleet and then freezing
rain. The freezing rain was a bit scary as it rapidly covered everything
in a thin glaze of ice. I went QRT early as I did not want to break my
neck trying to negotiate the hill in the dark with a covering of ice on
everything. With all of the snow and rain static, reception was
difficult, but I still made more than 20 contacts on CW and SSB. Not bad
for an hour and a half.
So do not forget to dust off the key and shine the microphone for more
action tonight. It typically kicks off starting at 00:00 UT. Activity
is good up to about 0200UT in the northeast, but it will continue past
that in the mid west and other spots farther west. At some point we are
due for some enhanced conditions, and the all bets are off. If there is
a chance for something new or out of the ordinary, many dxers will stick
around past when the cows come home. The ON4KST Chat page is a good
gathering place to set up skeds. (144-432 Region 2 Chat)
It is 40 degrees F and partly sunny. The snow is melting. I think tere
is about a foot of snow in the woods and no storms are forecast for the
evening. (Unlike last week here) I plan to put on the snow shoes and
hike up the hill with my backpack and laptop. Having the laptop allows
digi QSOs and the ability to monitotr a chat page or to. I will be up
there today testing out the diesel generator to make sure it is
functioning properly. Last week, I had a shut down for some unknown
reason. I suspect an overspeed condition. After all, I repaired my
electronic speed actuator with a $1.29 spring from the hardware store.
I suspect a minor hiccup with speed control.
So I hope to see many stations on this evening. I am looking forward to
a fun night on 222 MHz.
Dave K1WHS
PS. The wheels are cranking on the 222 MHz 1500 watt amplifier bonanza.
As it looks now, the plan is to offer the ready to go amplifiers at a
minimal price around $200. All you will need is a 50 volt PS. They will
be made available to get rare states on the air. More info soon.
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