[VHFcontesting] W3CCX  FN21HB on all bands from 50mhz thru 10ghz

Ray Golley rgolley at comcast.net
Thu Jun 8 09:46:22 EDT 2023

Look for:  W3CCX  FN21HB on all bands from 50mhz thru 10ghz  plus laser
    * SIX METER STATION  (50.133*)
    * TWO METER STATION  (144.195*)
    * 222/432 STATION  (222.110/432.110*)
    * MICROWAVE STATION  ( .080 up)
ALL UNDER ONE ROOF...   * note  +/- QRM
Contact live contest co-ordinators for skeds:       Bill - K3EGE (484) 614-1505  VHF-UHF       Jim - KC3BVL (267) 800-5108  VHF-UHF       Bob -W2SJ (609) 440-2916 (microwaves)  or ON4KST chat  Region 2 144/342  (W3CCX-Bill)
How can you help? 
Work us on all the bands you have!
N3RG Ray

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