[VHFcontesting] Invitation to Central States VHF Society Conference

w5zn at w5zn.org w5zn at w5zn.org
Sun Jun 11 12:32:32 EDT 2023

Greetings VHF & Above Folks,

On behalf of the Central States VHF Society I want to extend a personal
invitation for you to attend the 55th Central States VHF Society Conference
in Little Rock, Arkansas July 28-29.

The last time we convened in Arkansas was in 1997 for the 31st conference in
Hot Springs and to say amateur radio activity on the VHF and above bands has
changed since then is quite an understatement! The WSJT suite of software
did not exist, amplifiers were exclusively tubes with high voltage power
supplies, EME was conducted on CW utilizing high power and large antenna
arrays, and computers played a much smaller roll, if any, in our station
integration. The 26 years since the 31st conference has seen some amazing
advancements in VHF and above communications.

Through those years the Central States VHF Society has continued to be the
leader in promoting and presenting these advancements.

Unlike a traditional hamfest, the conference provides technical
presentations, workshops, and test facilities to allow you to improve your
station and on-the-air experience. The presenters and attendees are among
the most recognized and highly experienced radio amateurs within the VHF and
above ranks and you have the opportunity to spend quality time with them
over the course of the conference. 

In addition to our technical presentations, we will provide our traditional
professional grade antenna range and noise figure lab for you to test your
latest design or to simply verify your apparatus is providing the desired
result. A highlight of recent years is rover row and the dish bowl display.
If you need some ideas on how to construct or organize your portable
station, this is where you need to be on Friday morning! 

A conference of this scale is not simply scheduled and then magically
appear. It requires considerable effort by volunteers dedicated to mentoring
radio amateurs to become elite participants in the area of VHF and above
research and operating skill. 

Current information may be found at http://2023.csvhfs.org/ and will be
updated as plans finalize. The proceedings this year contains over 20
papers, several that will be presented at the conference.

Please plan to attend this year's conference, learn some new things, apply
it to your station then "GET IN THERE AND WORK 'EM!"

73 Joel W5ZN
2023 CSVHFS Conference President



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