[VHFcontesting] Ken Evans W2UAD/sk

Ev Tupis w2ev at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 28 06:52:03 EDT 2023

Ken passed away on March 22, 2023 peacefully at home at the age of 97 .  He was the sole remaining member of the group of amateur radio operators who formed the Rochester VHF Group.  While an astonishing mark unto itself, he was also active and well known regionally. operators.
No doubt there are stories to tell, activities to relive, and good on-the-air interactions to celebrate by many.

Would you be willing to contribute to his legacy by sharing those stories?  If so, you may do so >>HERE<<.

Once we are able to receive a substantial amount of content, we would like to present it to his family, archive it, and potentially publish for posterity, as well.

Sincerely yours, in our hobby,Ev Tupis, W2EV

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