[VHFcontesting] 222 NightWrapup

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Wed May 10 08:16:41 EDT 2023

Hello 222 friends

It sure was nice to have a calm evening for 222 Night. The gentle 
breezes and sunny day made for oretty good conditions for the most part. 
Many signals seemed to be up from the normal levels I have been 
experiencing.  The real long paths over 400 miles were about the same 
except for W1XR, who seemed awfully loud. Jim was a good 5X8 peaking on 
SSB.   VE3DS, WA3EOQ and KO4YC were below average but that may have been 
my bad luck at the QSB lottery.  About 1 minute after working WA3EOQ 
with marginal signals. I heard him at a very Q5 and S2 calling and 
working Phil, WA3NUF. I even heard Phil off the back of his beam!

I tried a short stint with KU8Y on meteors and he copied me very well, 
but I heard nothing on my end. STill, the meteors seemed to be pretty 
good. I copied a few nice bursts also while running FT8 and also heard 
meteors on KO4YC during our short QSO. The meteors are back and worth a 

I was monitoring the Solar indices in hopes of a possible aurora. The Bz 
component was oscillating between positive and negative, and never 
seemed to line up, but I spent some time aiming NW and CQing on CW in 
hopes of detecting some buzz.  All in all it was an interesting night. 
Here is the log:

   DATE           TIME CALLSIGN        GRID   TX       RX BAND   MODE 

05/09/2023 22:52 N1JEZ           FN44AR  59  59        220 MHzSSB 
TR                          105
05/09/2023 22:54 K1FSY           FN31LN  55    55        220 MHzSSB 
TR                          165
05/09/2023 22:57 K2RMX           FN20XP  59       57       220 MHzSSB  
TR                  247
05/09/2023 22:59 WW2Y            FN20TK  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR                  269  Sounds like a local!!
05/09/2023 23:03 W1XR            FM19HX  58       58       220 MHzSSB  
TR                  406   Very loud
05/09/2023 23:07 WA3NUF          FN20KE  58       57       220 MHzSSB  
TR                  308
05/09/2023 23:09 N1SV            FN42    58       58       220 MHzSSB  
TR                       60+-
05/09/2023 23:09 WZ1V            FN31RH  59  59              220 MHzSSB  
TR                  165
05/09/2023 23:12 K1PXE           FN31KE  57       57       220 MHzSSB  
TR                  188
05/09/2023 23:16 WB2VVV          FN41CR  58       58       220 MHzSSB  
TR              123
05/09/2023 23:18 WA3EOQ        FM09        429    429    220MHzCW TR    
             502   weak but always in there.
05/09/2023 23:28 WA1RKS          FN32IN  559      559      220 MHzCW   
TR              131  good peak on CW.
05/09/2023 23:34 W9KXI           FN12NE  58     57           220 MHzSSB  
TR                  311
05/09/2023 23:42 KO1I            FN42JK  -02      +02      220 MHzFT8  
TR                    67   my only FT8 QSO
05/09/2023 23:45 W2TMA           FN30HV    55              220 MHzSSB  
TR                    212  Low power and omni antenna
05/09/2023 23:45 K1TEO           FN20JQ  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR                   287
05/09/2023 23:47 WA2VNV          FN30    55                220 MHzSSB  
TR                   224+-  beam stuck South
05/09/2023 23:52 W1AIM           FN34UJ  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR                    96
05/09/2023 23:55 K2AEP           FN32OW  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR                    98
05/10/2023 00:05 VE3FN           FN25DK  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR                   273  Lots QSB but gud copy
05/10/2023 00:16 KO4YC           FM17GV  529      529      220 MHzCW   
TR               510  weak but steady
05/10/2023 00:26 VE3DS           FN03FQ  559               220 MHzCW   
TR                   430    ditto
05/10/2023 00:57 N3RG            FM29KI  55                220 MHzSSB  
TR                       353
05/10/2023 01:00 KU8Y             EN61UW     NOT COMPLETE 220 MHzMSK  
MS        784
05/10/2023 01:10 VE3KG           FN24AV    55      55       220 MHzCW   
TR                   268
05/10/2023 01:15 WA1T            FN43LK  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR                     5           100 milliwatts!

Number of QSO listed: 25

I helped a ham take down his Rohn 25 tower on Tuesday, and actually 
stirred up some interest with our 222 exploits with the ground crew.  
One of the guys, George W1BOF is coming over and I will show him how we 
tune up the 222 MHz low pass filters for the 1500 watt amplifiers.  
Maybe he will get hooked?


Dave K1WHS

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