[VHFcontesting] [222Activity] 222 Activity Night

Allen Oldfield aoldfiel at stny.rr.com
Wed May 10 08:57:10 EDT 2023

I'm happy with last night's results. 11 contacts:
WZ1V		375.474		233.3			FN31			USB
WA3NUF	266.815		165.8			FN20			USB
N1JEZ		390.842		242.9			FN44			USB
K1WHS		502.064		312.0			FN43			USB
WW2Y		273.379		169.9			FN20			USB
KO4YC		478.369		297.2			FM17			USB
W1XR		706.858		439.2			FM19			USB
K1TEO		319.923		198.8			FN31			CW
WA3EOQ	348.156		216.3			FM09			USB
N8WNA		521.830		324.3			EN82			FT8
N3RG		348.671		216.7			FM29			USB

N8WNA is located in North of Detroit and is running 28W to a 16 element beam.  It's always a surprise to work John, given the hills to my West.  Based on my success with John, I tried to work K9MRI in EN70 (445 miles) but neither of us could hear the other.

As others have reported, there was lots of QSB but conditions were better than previous weeks.

Al - W9KXI 

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