[VHFcontesting] FS - 50 watt 2x Mitsubishi M57762 SSPA with WA2ODO preamp for 1296

Bart Jahnke bjahnke at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 09:06:39 EDT 2023


Spare to my needs is 50 watt 2x Mitsubishi M57762 SSPA with WA2ODO preamp
for 1296

For details see QTH ad at
https://swap.qth.com/search-results.php?keywords=w9jj&fieldtosearch=call or

This is a homebrew pair Mitsubishi 57762 module amplifier (50 watts +/- out)
picked up from a VHFer who was downsizing. Will include a WA2ODO 1296
preamp - NF is 0.38 - Gain is 19 dBi. Will refund is not 100% satisfied.
Asking $150 shipped to any USPS address - paypal/venmo only. Preamp alone
is worth the value. More pictures available.

73 Bart W9JJ

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