[VHFcontesting] Tuesday Night 222 Extravaganza.

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Tue Dec 17 11:22:03 EST 2024

Hello VHFers,

I checked with Karnak The Magnificent in hopes of seeing how the Tuesday 
night 222 activity period would work out.  Karnak was very optimistic in 
that many things have fallen into place for this evening. Karnak 
promises much fun tonight. I figured that I should tell everyone about it.

Tonight is also the visiting hours for K1BXC (SK) in Tolland 
Connecticut. I really wish I could make the trip, but it would be a very 
long night for me.  Dan was a great supporter of VHF in Connecticut. I 
am sure that some of the CT ops will be there. I will be thinking of Dan 
this evening as I enjoy the fun on 222 MHz. He was a large part of what 
makes VHF what it is. I will miss Dan.

The weather, nationwide is looking good. The only heavy precip is in the 
Pacific NW.  A bit of light snow in S Dakota and maybe Iowa, and that is 
about it.  Last night there was a large amount of EME activity as it was 
Moonrise over the continental USA starting at about 2300 UT on the East 
Coast.  The activity went up to 04:30 or so but then picked up again in 
the morning as it was Moon set in the West. Lots of contacts were 
attempted and made. The situation is the same this evening, with 
Moonrise at about 00:00 UT at the start of normal 222 Night activity. 
Later on as the Moon rises out in the far midwest at about 0200 UT, it 
will be Moonrise for guys like W5EME, WQ5S (TX) AI5I (NM) KM0T (IA) and 
N0LWF in eastern Nebraska.  They have all been active and it would be 
great if they showed up for a Tuesday night activity and got in some 
logs .  I plan to switch over to EME after about 0130 UT when the 
terrestrial stations start to thin out. Activity here in New England has 
gotten good enough to work about 20 stations on any given Tuesday. 
During the warm months that number goes up to about 30 at times. All it 
takes is for people to make a commitment and get on.  It does not matter 
if you are in a low activity area, because your actions will be noted 
and that will encourage more activity in return. I got a kick out of 
watching some comments on the HB9Q Chat page last night. There were 
comments like " I need more TX power" and "I need to add aluminum here" 
plus "I need a better receiver".  Comments like that are the first 
indicator that activity will be definitely increasing.

Please make an effort to be QRV this evening on 222 MHz.  Here in the 
northern areas of New England, it is actually very mild and my unheated 
shack will not be so darn cold. I will have more fun with the warmer 
temps this evening. I plan to be there at 23;45 UT and will go as long 
as there are contacts to be made.  I will monitor ON4KST (144/432 Region 
2) and HB9Q (222MHz)  The HB9Q page is used by EMErs mostly, but anyone 
is welcome there as well.  I am hoping to pick up a few midwestern 
stations via the EME route.  Maybe W0VB in Wyoming will appear?  I also 
miss talking with the Canadian contingent (VE3DS, VE3KG, VE3FN, VE2XX etc)

That is about all for this morning. Not much else to report other than 
the first shipment of K1PXE Bobble head Dolls was rejected as the head 
did not bounce around enough.  C'mon...How hard can it be?


Dave K1WHS

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