[VHFcontesting] Good frequencies for 2m CW & SSB?

Drew Arnett arnett.drew at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 18:11:42 EST 2024

Even in SoCal, 144.200 for both.  And cross my fingers hoping there is
enough traffic that I'd need to QSY.  (If so, then I'd QSY up.)  Now
one of the old timers here tells me about the time there was double
hop sporadic E on 2 during a VHF contest.  If that happened,
definitely would spread out a lot more above .200.

Have fun!


> Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 08:30:54 -0600
> From: Jim Smith <ars.kk0u at gmail.com>
> To: vhfcontesting at contesting.com
> Subject: [VHFcontesting] Good frequencies for 2m CW & SSB?
> Message-ID:
>         <CAFvDhvoNeD_cO-O1XJOEN2cQY_D9zdvziDB5CF983h75C5r-TQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Finally, after 30+ years of being a ham, I get to dip my toe into the VHF
> contest beyond 6m.
> I have an old, and somewhat flaky, IC-275H coupled with a 14-element yagi
> to get on the contest this weekend (from EM48to).  The flaky bit of the old
> rig is that frequency control is *not* available from the VCO knob (I'm
> guessing the phototransistors are cooked), and neither N1MM+ nor DXLog can
> get the radio to recognized frequency input with the computer keypad.
> The UP/DWN buttons on the mic work though,  ;)
> So, I'm programming some frequencies into the memories of this rig.  I've
> got
> - 144.175 CW
> - 144.200 SSB
> Any other common watering holes I should program in?
> This is my first foray into 2m CW/SSB, so I'm a complete newbie here.
> Thanks for any tips/tricks you can supply.
> 73, Jim KK0U

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