[VHFcontesting] Submit your log

Rick R rick1ds at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 29 12:37:42 EST 2024

Having authored the contest results articles for QST the VHF, EME and 10GHz& Up contests for many years, I strongly encourage everyone to submit their logs, no matter how small or incomplete or error-laden. It is the only measure of activity. For many years, looking at logs, it is clear that less than 50% of participants submit them to the league. As an example, a station makes 1000 QSOs on 6m (this has happened many times prior to FT8). The logs received show that only 500 had activity on 6m. If we don't see large numbers of participants, the result is a domino effect—fewer participants next time, less logs submitted, until VHF contesting is in a death spiral. Please spread the word, assist others to submit, increase contest participation, and for our own sakes, return to the use of analog modes including SSB, CW and FM.  73, Rick K1DS

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