[VHFcontesting] [222Activity] 222 Activity night

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Wed Jul 10 07:43:27 EDT 2024

I would agree with WA3NUF and WZ1V that activity has taken an upward 
swing as we move into the warmer months.  Gads it's hot!! I was hoping 
to get my tower mounted preamp installed yesterday in time for activity 
night, but things got in the way,  KA6U is on a cross country trip with 
432 and 903 / 1296 gear. He was in NH yesterday and his Q65 signal 
sounded rather loud. Turns out he was 30 minutes down the road so I made 
a road trip to Hilton Park in Dover and had a great eyeball QSO with 
Peter. His portable station is a simple but very effective system. I 
took a bunch of pictures of Peter in action.  When I got back home, the 
clouds were forming. The sky got dark and it started to rain.  No 
climbing the 100 ft tower for Dave!!

When the activity period started I was greeted with some awful rain 
static and I chose to sit tight with antennas disconnected. Close to 
23:00 I checked and the static had lessened and I could hear N1BUG in 
FN55. I got on the air and N1BUG was my first contact. The following 
contacts came fast and furious. Lots of callers.  W1XR called in and was 
gud copy on my fixed SW antenna. That is a 400+ mile contact on SSB 
noless.  Howard WA3EOQ was weak but in there every transmission with his 
100 watts. I did note that many stations were weaker than normal, no 
doubt due to all the storms and riled up atmosphere.  I tried an FT8 
sked with K9MRI and heard zilch but that is 750 miles. A MS sked with 
W7JW was also fruitless. Jeff is about 650 miles and might be a bit 
close.  Many packrats were worked. WA3NUF, K3GNC, WB2RVX, N3RG, AA2SD, 
WC2K, K3TUF, and WA2LTM. Most were on SSB.  I don't have my log in front 
of me, but I went on EME at about 01:15 UT after working K9MRI on 
meteors. I quickly worked W7JW for his 2nd EME contact and then VE6TA 
via the Moon route for a total of 34 QSOs on aTuesday night.  Last week 
I had 29 Qs and GB Ron WZ1V had 30. Those are great numbers. Thanks to 
all who got on and made noise. The rain static trailed off as the night 
wore on, but lots of static crashes made copy less than stellar. Still 
there were plenty of folks to work on a Tuesday night. All this during a 
very fine six meter opening with the MUF approaching 144 MHz.  Those 
results are awesome.  When I finally got on EME, the Moon was setting in 
the West at about 16 degrees. It was at 10 degrees when I finished with 
VE6TA and I could find no one to try things with as the Moon started to 
set here in Maine. All in all another great night on 222 MHz.

Dave K1WHS

On 7/9/2024 11:31 PM, PHIL MIGUELEZ via groups.io wrote:
> Activity on 222 Tuesdays is definitely on the upside even with 6 
> meters wide open to the Midwest and parts of the SW at the same time. 
> The Packrats were well represented this week with at least 9 club 
> members holding their own in the fray.
> With the heat, and the solar cycle contributing, can the RED Blob be 
> far away?
> Join the fun next week and see what your station can do.
> 07/09/24        WA3NUF 	
> 	miles
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2259 	W1XR 	FM19hx 	120
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2302 	WB2VVV 	FN41cr 	204
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2303 	WZ1V 	FN31rh 	156
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2309 	K1WHS 	FN43mj 	309
> 222 	CW 	7/9/2024 	2322 	K1PXE 	FN31ke 	125
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2328 	W9KXI 	FN12ne 	165
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2332 	N3RG 	FM29ki 	57
> 222 	CW 	7/9/2024 	2339 	WA3EOQ 	FM09jo 	220
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2342 	K3GNC 	FN20jb 	9
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2343 	AA2SD 	FM29ms 	30
> 222 	PH 	7/9/2024 	2347 	WC2K 	FM29pt 	34
> 222 	CW 	7/10/2024 	0013 	K1ZK 	FN34ih 	300
> 222 	PH 	7/10/2024 	0016 	K3TUF 	FN10we 	53
> 222 	PH 	7/10/2024 	0017 	WB2RVX 	FM29mt 	27
> 222 	PH 	7/10/2024 	0020 	WB2ONA 	FN20tk 	43
> 222 	PH 	7/10/2024 	0025 	WA2LTM 	FN20rh 	32
> 222 	CW 	7/10/2024 	0032 	W2BYP 	FN13ib 	228
> 222 	CW 	7/10/2024 	0105 	W1AIM 	FN34uj 	324
> 222 	FT8 	7/10/2024 	0113 	W1UJ 	FN42bb 	213
> _._,_._,_
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