[VHFcontesting] CQWW VHF Contest this weekend

John Golomb john.golomb at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 20:43:31 EDT 2024

CQWW VHF runs from 18Z Saturday through 21Z Sunday on 6 and 2 meters.
Complete details at https://cqww-vhf.com/index.htm.

A reminder on rules regarding assistance:

The use of spotting networks is allowed for all entrants. No self-spotting
or setting up QSOs in real time chat rooms such as ON4KST. For digital EME
or digital meteor scatter QSOs, you can announce your CQ frequency and

The best way to generate activity is to call CQ :')

To increase analog activity this year, we recommend SSB and/or CW operating
at the start of every even UTC hour (18Z, 20Z, 22Z…) and analog “happy
hours” from 00Z-03Z and 12Z-15Z.

John N2NC
Director, CQWW VHF Contest

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