[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night Summary K1WHS

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Wed Jul 24 11:32:38 EDT 2024

Here is my summary from Tuesday evening on 222 MHz.  The Hepburn website 
showed some minor enhancement over much of the East Coast, but it was 
very minor. I was hoping that we would see less QSB than those evenings 
with disturbed condx and 20 dB swings in signal strengths.  At no time 
did I see any enhancements in any direction except for SE toward Cape 
Cod. WA1MBA and WA1NLG were both very good copy.  QSB seemed reasonable 
with 10 dB swings.

My weekly try with WA3EOQ was rather funny in that I was looking over 
all the switches etc in the shack to make sure that I had selected the 
proper antenna for the try, but I forgot to verify that I had turned the 
rotator to his proper heading. I called for two sequences and heard 
nothing, then noticed that I was 18 degrees off his azimuth. That would 
put Howard in my first null. I quickly turned the beam and he 
miraculously appeared. WE worked quickly and then I heard a pileup of 
callers all calling WA3EOQ. There were at least three callers I could 
hear when I stopped! Pretty exciting to hear those callers off the back 
of their beams!

I tried a tropo sked with K9FW after about 00:30 UT. We could not hear 
anything on FT8 or Q65.  After no luck with tropo, we tried a MS sked as 
I was hearing numerous meteor pings on his signal. It took awhile, but 
we completed the meteor sked, and then I tried another one with K9MRI. 
We had some better condx and completed pretty fast. AJ6T near Nashville 
was also listening. He was hearing meteors as well at about 1000 miles.  
I wish he would connect up his 1500 watt Larcan and get in on the 
action!  I tried with K3SK on meteors, but it was slow going. We are a 
bit too close and it shows. (575 miles) Interestingly, K9MRI was still 
hearing me fine with my beam aimed at Virginia. I did not hear K3SK even 
with 5 degrees of elevation cranked in. I think K3SK had one burst from me.

WA3EOQ had mentioned that the Moon would be coming up at 02:27 at his 
place. I hung around and Howard came back on the chat page at his 
Moonrise, so I swung the beam East, and started calling him via the 
Moon, rising in the East. He heard me pretty well. I did not copy him, 
but Faraday Rotation did not seem to be moving fast as my echo stayed 
the same over a long period.  WG3K was also listening and heard WA3EOQ, 
but it was only the direct signal that he heard.  K3SK also was on and 
as the Moon got higher I asked him to try calling. ( I was callingWA3EOQ 
at the time)  At first I could not detect Dave K3SK, but all of a sudden 
I decoded him at -27. His next transmission was at -23 followed by 
another one at -20. So things were changing between Virginia and Maine.  
We completed easily and by that time the Moon was well up and Howard 
went QRT. It was getting late!  His best copy on me was at -19, which is 
pretty good and no doubt audible in headphones! At one point, I lost the 
TX audio which was frustrating. I also had a suspected WSJT hiccup so I 
rebooted the computer. Aren't computers wonderful until they go 
fruit-loops on you?

    DATE     TIME CALLSIGN        LOCATOR TX       RX       BAND MODE 
07/23/2024 22:46 K2RMX               FN2ØXP  58                220 
MHzSSB  TR               398
07/23/2024 22:53 WW2Y                FN2ØTK  58       58       220 
MHzSSB  TR               434
07/23/2024 22:58 WB2VVV            FN41CR  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR               197
07/23/2024 23:03 WA1NLG            FN41XS  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR               196
07/23/2024 23:05 W9KXI                FN12NE  57       57 220 MHzSSB  
TR               501
07/23/2024 23:08 WZ1V                 FN31RH  59       59 220 MHzSSB  
TR               266
07/23/2024 23:13 WA1MBA          FN51AS  59       59       220 MHzSSB  
TR               198
07/23/2024 23:14 N1GLT                FN42    59       59 220 MHzSSB  
TR                97+-
07/23/2024 23:16 K1PXE                FN31    57       57 220 MHzSSB  
TR               303+-
07/23/2024 23:17 W1XR                FM19HX  55       55       220 
MHzSSB  TR               654
07/23/2024 23:20 N1ROZ               FN32TF  55       55       220 
MHzSSB  TR               174
07/23/2024 23:26 W1GHZ              FN34    57       57       220 
MHzSSB  TR               203+-
07/23/2024 23:29 K1ZK                  FN34JJ  579      599 220 MHzCW   
TR               212
07/23/2024 23:33 KC1V                  FN31SX  589      589 220 MHzCW   
TR               200
07/23/2024 23:38 WA3NUF           FN2ØKE  57       57       220 MHzSSB  
TR               496
07/23/2024 23:42 W1AUV             FN32II  559      599      220 MHzCW   
TR               223
07/23/2024 23:51 WB3IGR            FN1Ø    -03      -03      220 MHzFT8  
TR               590+-
07/24/2024 00:15 WA3EOQ          FMØ9JO  429               220 MHzCW   
TR               805
07/24/2024 00:26 WA1T                FN43LK  59       59       220 
MHzSSB  TR                 8
07/24/2024 00:29 VE3FN               FN25DK  559      559      220 
MHzCW   TR               440
07/24/2024 00:35 K1TEO               FN31JH  59       59       220 
MHzSSB  TR               296
07/24/2024 00:36 AA2SD               FM29MS  55                220 
MHzCW   TR               522
07/24/2024 00:38 K2AEP               FN32OW  58       59       220 
MHzSSB  TR               157
07/24/2024 00:53 W1AIM            FN34UJ  559      57       220 MHzSSB  
TR               154
07/24/2024 01:13 WA3DRC          FM28AS  559               220 MHzCW   
TR               663
07/24/2024 01:55 K9FW               EN71KC  -03      =00      220 MHz 
MSK  MS              1192
07/24/2024 02:01 K9MRI             EN7ØIU                    220 MHz MSK 
        MS              1213
07/24/2024 02:30 K3SK                FMØ7TH  -23      -23      220 
MHzQ65  EME              922
Number of QSO listed: 28

I did see that AJ6T, near Nashville managed to work W5EME in Louisiana 
on a path just under 500 miles. Walt is running only 30 or 35 watts I 
believe. Not bad for such low power.

All in all, it was a relaxing night with no high winds and no grizzly 
bears ransacking the shack.  I keep looking into the Western path to 
Indiana, checking for enhancements Sadly it was not there last night, 
but it was fun trying.  It sure beat sniffing glue down at the mall.

I am working on my 144 tower today. I want to haul up all the 5/16" guy 
wires to the 110 ft position in hopes of adding temporary stabiity when 
we get to the last two sections and the star guy. It is gratifying to 
see the tower coming back to its' former glory.  Onward and upward. The 
222 and up contest is coming up, so shine those elements and grease your 


Dave K1WHS

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