[VHFcontesting] W3DHJ/R ARRL JUN VHF

Jonesy W3DHJ mailserver at jonz.net
Fri Jun 7 19:58:19 EDT 2024

In spite of the voices in my head telling me to do otherwise,
I will go out this weekend as Rover in the ARRL JUN VHF.

My plans are to trawl through my nearby, familiar DM87 - DM88 - DM77 -
DM78 grids.  All the times given below are pretty much the average
start time and average end time I've ever had in each grid.  Obviously
I do not move from grid to grid instantaneously.

The WX forecasts for S.E. Colorado for this weekend are for some
possibly sketchy conditions -- thunderstorms and more, later in both
days  -- events which just may drive me off the playing field.

6M, 2M, & 432
SSB & cwCW* only -- FM if necc.
* "cringe worthy CW"

SAT #1: DM88bb: 1800z~2000z

SAT #2: DM87bw: 2000z~2200z

SAT #3: DM77wv: 2200z~2359z

SAT #4: DM78xa: 0000z~0200+z

SUN #1: DM78xa: 1200z~1530z

SUN #2: DM77wv: 1530z~1900z

SUN #3: DM87cx: 1900z~2230z

SUN #4: DM88bb: 2230z~0200+z

Let us hope for "Solar Cycle" magic!
  Marvin L Jones     | W3DHJ      | W3DHJ  | https://W3DHJ.net/
   Pueblo, Colorado  |  @         | Jonesy |     __ linux FreeBSD
    38.238N 104.547W |   jonz.net | DM78rf | 73  SK

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