[VHFcontesting] 222 Activity Night

PHIL MIGUELEZ philnuf at aol.com
Wed Mar 20 14:23:13 EDT 2024

The 222 band is always noticeably quieter when K1WHS is out of town and not stirring up activity. Hopefully Dave will be back in the thick of things next week.
Conditions were fairly good this week, but it required a little more hunting and use of the chat page to find contacts. I ended up with 12 QSOs and 8 Grids when the 9 PM hour arrived. W1GHZ was the loudest I have heard him in quite a while.
Looking forward to good things happening on the band now that the weather is improving, and the solar cycle is on our side.

WA3NUF   Log    3/19/2024

|  |  |  |  |  |  | Miles |
| 222 | PH | 3/19/2024 | 2309 | WZ1V | FN31rh | 156 |
| 222 | PH | 3/19/2024 | 2309 | K1PXE | FN31ke | 125 |
| 222 | CW | 3/19/2024 | 2316 | W1GHZ | FN34uj | 324 |
| 222 | PH | 3/19/2024 | 2326 | K3TUF | FN10we | 53 |
| 222 | PH | 3/19/2024 | 2335 | W9KXI | FN12ne | 165 |
| 222 | FT8 | 3/19/2024 | 2342 | K1FSY | FN31mr | 155 |
| 222 | PH | 3/20/2024 | 0006 | WB2RVX | FM29mt | 27 |
| 222 | PH | 3/20/2024 | 0012 | K1TEO | FN31jh | 127 |
| 222 | PH | 3/20/2024 | 0016 | KC2SGV | FM29pn | 48 |
| 222 | FT8 | 3/20/2024 | 0021 | K3SK | FM07th | 265 |
| 222 | PH | 3/20/2024 | 0032 | WA2LTM | FN20rh | 32 |
| 222 | CW | 3/20/2024 | 0054 | WA3EOQ | FM09jo | 220 |

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