[VHFcontesting] [222Activity] The high point of your week. 222Night!!

k3sk at buckwalter.co k3sk at buckwalter.co
Tue May 21 16:31:47 EDT 2024

I plan on being on tonight.  Maybe this will be the Tuesday I add MA or RI to my 222 WAS list.   Also, close in and still missing from my states worked list is KY.     I am beginning to think both 222 and 432 are not authorized for use across that state line.    

de K3SK

-----Original Message-----
From: 222Activity at groups.io <222Activity at groups.io> On Behalf Of David Olean
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 2:37 PM
To: 222 >> 222Activity at groups.io <222Activity at groups.io>; NEWSVHF at mailman.qth.net; vhfcontesting at contesting.com
Subject: [222Activity] The high point of your week. 222Night!!

Of course, everyone's high point of the week can vary, but for many of us, Tuesday nights on two twenty two MHz sure is exciting.  Many of the gang on 222 have bought and re programmed the Quansheng $28 handi-talkis.  I got one and hope to get it working on sideband on 222 soon. I am figuring it won't be long until we have a Quansheng Sweepstakes or similar contest where people see how many Quanshengs they can work in an evening.

Anyway, don't forget that it is a Tuesday and there will be a star studded cast of hams on 222 this evening looking for contacts with anyone and everyone.  Here in the Northeast, it is quite warm, but no big tropo is expected.  Still, with warmer wx we could get a slug of better refraction than we have been accustomed to.  I sure plan to be on and will be there before 23:00 UT on or about the calling frequency looking for a contact.  Typical modes found on 222 include SSB, FT8, and CW for the most part.   The 222 ops tend to take over the ON4KST 144/432 Region 2 Chat page for the evening and it is a great way to let folks know that you are there and looking for a contact.

I still keep trying to get a members of a local radio club interested in VHF. I will periodically let them know about some neat contact made, or interesting conditions observed on weak signal VHF. It always end the same ...... "crickets".  They all think VHF is FM repeaters and don't seem to be very inquisitive. Yesterday I helped out on a rather large tower job in Gloucester, MA. at a VHF repeater site. The tower was about
250 ft high and self supporting. It is loaded with cellular stuff on top and there are multiple Station Master type antenna festooning the tower just below the cellular panels. We hauled up a big station master and a sidearm that weighed more than I do!  We also hauled up a long run of 7/8" Heliax. When we were done, the repeater was turned on after many months of down time.  Everyone was trying it out and calls were coming in from downtown Boston, Quincy, and Up to Newburyport. I did hear 222 op N1LHP (Good Buddy Doug) running 5 watts on FM  in Newburyport.  I was able to make a contact as well through the repeater with my Quansheng while standing under the tower. So when I got up this AM I tried to connect with the repeater while using my IC-7100 in my truck here in Mumbo-Jumbo Land.  I have a 5/8 wave whip. Alas my 35 or 40 watts was not able to be heard. I could hear the TX OK, just could not break in on the rx side.  I even had marginal listening results with my Quansheng and its little whip antenna. So then contrast that with 144 MHz SSB and a mobile antenna done at the same time from the same truck. I copied good buddy Ron WZ1V at about 160 miles. He was S7 to S9 and pretty loud. 
Also worked were K1FSY and K1PXE. K1PXE is at about 186 miles, and that is sure a lot farther away than Gloucester at a mere 55 miles.

CU all this evening on 222

Dave K1WHS

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