[VHFcontesting] [NEWSVHF] 222 Activity night
David Olean
k1whs at metrocast.net
Wed Oct 2 10:18:08 EDT 2024
Hi 222 fans,
I hauled and burned White Pine brush all day, so was rather tired by 7
PM. Activity was pretty good and I ended up with about 24 QSOS. My best
DX was K3SK worked on Q65B-30. He peaked at about -20 which is right at
the threshold of hearing and possibly working on CW. There seemed to be
some long haul enhancement down the coast, but it was very slight. K3SK
is about 925 km or almost 575 miles. I worked pretty much the same crew
as GB Ron WZ1V. I don't have my log in front of me, but I would add
WW1Z, WA1T, and W1XR in FM19 to the list. Two more stations were in
there as well. I missed KD2LGX in FN13, but did work W9KXI with normal
signals 55-56 on SSB. Some were complaining that prop to the West was
poor. I did not try any sleds out into Indiana or Michigan. I think all
that brush burning had taken its toll. I quit about 9 PM and tried to
watch the end of the VP debate, but lost interest really fast. All those
flapping jaws produced so much of nothing for me. Snarky hosts were fun
to watch as well.
I have gotten a few comments about interesting QSOs. but more entries
are needed. The 222 MHz Activity Committee is lining up a great prize
for the winner of the best QSO for the evening. It might be a vehicle
of some sort.
Dave K1WHS
On 10/1/2024 9:16 PM, Ron Klimas WZ1V wrote:
> 222 conditions not the best tonight, lots of QSB. Logged:
> AA2SD FM29, N1YCQ FN41, N1SV FN42, KD2LGX FN13,
> W9KXI FN12, WA3NUF FN20, K1PXE FN31, K1WHS FN43,
> K3SK FM07, K1DY FN54, KA1OJ FN42, W1AIM FN34,
> K2RMX FN20, W1LE FN41, WA1NLG FN41, WA1PBU FN42.
> TNX QSOs, see some you on 1296 Saturday in the Sprint.
> 73 Ron WZ1V FN31RH
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