[VHFcontesting] ORIONIDS METEOR SHOWER -- Tuesday Morning

k3sk at buckwalter.co k3sk at buckwalter.co
Mon Oct 21 17:59:18 EDT 2024

I hope to be on early tomorrow morning for the Orionids shower.    My plan
is to only be on 222MHz, but I may also listen to 2m.    I will be logged
into the Ping Jockey chat page.     
  I anm hoping to pick up a few missing states.   My primary targets  are:

-   North & South Dakota
-   Minnesota
-   Mississippi 
-   Arkansas
-   Oklahoma

Of course, I will run schedules with anyone that needs my grid or state.   I
am also EME capable with full AZ/EL.

de K3SK
FM07th - Virginia

222 Station

	Q5 Xverter
	Mast Mount Cavity Preamp
	Larcan KW
	4x12 LFA

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