[VHFcontesting] N7GP/R SEPT. VHF contest plans this weekend

wa8wzg at wa8wzg.net wa8wzg at wa8wzg.net
Wed Sep 11 11:16:28 EDT 2024

To All...
I will be starting Saturday morning ,,in DM35 At 1800 UTC,,

Then I will move to DM44,  DM34,  DM33,
..returning to DM42  and will be running MSK 50.260  from DM42, and
after 0500 UTC..

Sunday morning I will start to DM31 about 1200 UTC and be setup on
50.260..please note freq,, and FT8 ,I will plan on staying in DM31 for 
at least 4 hours hoping for good conditions.. AND if conditions good, 
good I will stay longer!!...

I will then  move to DM32 , then DM33, DM42, and then DM43 and
will circle those grids spending 2 hours in each until the end of

I will have all bands 6 meters thru 10 GHz ,,

Digital modes on 6, 2, and 432 only..

Cw, SSB and FM on ALL bands,,

I will be on Rover Slack and email and text

And cell# is 419-370-8802....so please get with me for ANY skeds or
if you want to try a contact..
Good luck to everyone..
Hope to work MANY of you ,,

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