[VHFcontesting] [Packrats] Contest suggestion

Philip Theis phil at k3tuf.com
Tue Sep 17 19:59:32 EDT 2024

Folks, what we need to do is experiment with these scoring ideas in the 
sprints. That's what they are, proving grounds. This is a great dialog 
and I'm sure the committee is taking this into account.


Phil K3TUF

On 9/17/2024 1:17 PM, Bob Fischer wrote:
> My view is that the digital modes have added more tools to our 
> contesting tool box. A good mechanic knows what tools to grab from the 
> tool box for a certain job. A good mechanic will never try to use one 
> tool to do every job. I know some say "the world was built with a pair 
> of vice grip pliers and a roll of duct tape", but I see no hope for 
> them :-)
> I start VHF & Up contests on SSB for quick easy contacts. When all the 
> workable stations seem gone, switching to CW will get some more 
> stations that could not be worked on SSB. After that I go to FT8 for 
> more contacts. At this point I don't just call CQ and let it 
> automatically happen because that becomes boring. I scan the stations 
> calling CQ for new grids, and call them first. If I see a new grid at 
> -30 on the screen, I do a quick QRZ check for an accurate beam heading 
> and most of the time work that station. Now that's fun and not boring! 
> At some time after working all the new grids I can find, I will then 
> just call CQ and work all the "locals" in close grids who mostly only 
> work FT8 and no other modes. When all other options fail, I go to the 
> ON4KST Region 2 Chat (another tool in the box) to see what stations 
> are not in my log. If you tend to be a "stick in the mud" and believe 
> that violates "the spirit of the contest" even though most sponsors 
> allow it, you will be missing some contacts and grid multipliers in 
> your log at the end of the contest.
> Don't forget to go back to the SSB/CW/ and FM modes regularly to see 
> if the football game, picnic, calls from the XYL for help, etc are 
> over and a whole new pool of contacts are available. When they run out 
> again, go back to digital.
> In closing, I believe the digital modes will not cause the "end of 
> VHF+ contesting as we know it". If we all open our eyes and spend as 
> much time thinking about how to best use all the available tools we 
> have. Rather than being frustrated, we can still enjoy the hobby 
> we all share for years to come.
> Respectfully submitted es 73,
> Bob W2SJ
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 11:26 AM Rick R <rick1ds at hotmail.com> wrote:
>     Here's a thought—Even hours analog, Odd hours digital​
>     Or perhaps having an analog-only contest and a digital-only
>     contest as has been suggested many times. Rick K1DS
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From:* newsvhf-bounces at mailman.qth.net
>     <newsvhf-bounces at mailman.qth.net> on behalf of Paul Bourque
>     <pbourque at gmail.com>
>     *Sent:* Tuesday, September 17, 2024 11:18 AM
>     *To:* k1ep at arrl.net <k1ep at arrl.net>
>     *Cc:* Terry Price <terry at directivesystems.com>; News group mailing
>     list <newsvhf at mailman.qth.net>
>     *Subject:* Re: [NEWSVHF] Dave and Fred and all
>     A couple of years ago, I posted in Contest Update and recommended that
>     stations call CQ and look for CW/SSB QSOs at the top and bottom of
>     each
>     hour. Of course, what really helps here is that some of the bigger gun
>     stations get on and call CQ. Maybe we should make this a thing-
>     similar to
>     how K1WHS is helping bring back life to 222. But we need to get more
>     stations on board for this to work. I'm not anti digital modes, but I
>     really find it more enjoyable to work stations on phone (working
>     on my CW
>     skills, but not anywhere near ready for prime time with that.)
>     This past contest, I was focussed on 6 meters because I'm so close to
>     getting my VUCC on 6 and that was my goal for this contest. I only
>     heard
>     one station calling CQ on SSB (W2EA), which I had already worked.
>     The CQs
>     from my little gun station went unanswered. But I tried- I didn't
>     make a
>     single contact on SSB as my time was being wasted sitting there
>     calling CQ
>     to an empty band. BTW- my goal for getting closer to VUCC was
>     successful-
>     I'm sitting at 99 confirmed grids right now- and hoping that a
>     couple of
>     stations that I worked confirm for my 100th grid.
>     In June, I roved to 3 sites in FN31, FN32 and FN42- (SSB/FM only).
>     When I
>     was in FN32- basically in W2SZs backyard, I was expecting to hear
>     them on
>     all three bands I had (6, 2, 432)- but they were suspiciously
>     absent from
>     SSB and FM. I did catch them calling CQ on 446.0 when I was
>     driving down
>     the hill from my FN42 location. I thought for sure I'd hear them
>     on phone
>     being so close to them. In years past, W2SZ was my "beacon" during
>     contests- it was a sure bet that I'd get them in the log every
>     contest.
>     I'm really looking forward to any suggestions on how we can
>     breathe some
>     life back into CW and voice (SSB, FM, AM..) during the VHF contests.
>     73,
>     -Paul N1SFE
>     On Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 10:23 AM Ed Parish <k1ep.list at gmail.com>
>     wrote:
>     > If all of us abandon CW and SSB, then everyone will be on FT8.
>     We still
>     > need to call CQ on CW and SSB and make some activity there. It was
>     > disheartening at tines to tune from 50.125 to 50.200 and not
>     hear a single
>     > SSB signal during the contest.
>     >
>     > On Tue, Sep 17, 2024, 09:44 Terry Price <terry at directivesystems.com>
>     > wrote:
>     >
>     > > I don't "care" for digital modes either but I have worked
>     folks on FT8
>     > that
>     > > I could not work on cw so it does have it's place. As a
>     contester, you
>     > have
>     > > to go where the activity is, do I wish there was more cw/SSB,
>     heck yes
>     > but
>     > > it is what it is.
>     > >
>     > > ANY VHF & up activity is welcome, hell I'll work you on FM or
>     AM if
>     > > necessary !!!
>     > >
>     > > Terry Price - W8ZN
>     > > Directive Systems and Engineering
>     > > 703-754-3876
>     > >
>     > >
>     > > On Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 8:50 AM Ellis Foley via NEWSVHF <
>     > > newsvhf at mailman.qth.net> wrote:
>     > >
>     > > > I agree whole heartedly with you Dave and Fred, I do not
>     work FT8, just
>     > > > not a digital guy in that respect. tried lots of things
>     Rtty, ASCII etc
>     > > > just never got into or like the mode. and not seeking any
>     awards so no
>     > > need
>     > > > here.  But I used to work all the VHF contest thru and thu
>     spent many a
>     > > > contest til the wee hours of each morning working and
>     sending in my
>     > logs.
>     > > > Have not done that last 5-6 yrs simply because I no longer
>     put the
>     > effort
>     > > > in because every one is on FT8 or what ever other digi
>     mode.I did not
>     > > even
>     > > > turn the rig on this contest. had no desire to even "dole"
>     out points.
>     > > >      I'm seeing and hearing a lot more guys saying the same
>     thing, but
>     > do
>     > > > not hear them on ssb or cw when the contest come around? so!
>     unless
>     > they
>     > > > get off the computer and on the rigs it will remain the same
>     or get
>     > even
>     > > > worse. Sad to see the empty air waves on ssb and cw. anytime
>     not just
>     > > > contesting. I monitor 50.125 all the time and have only
>     heard one guy
>     > on
>     > > > and worked him in almost two months! And the clincher is
>     just about
>     > every
>     > > > new rig today has 6m into it. ! and no one uses the band .
>     oh well Que
>     > > sera
>     > > > sera.de <http://sera.de> EllisWA1RKS
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