[VHFcontesting] VHF Activity

Sid Shusterman k3sx at comcast.net
Sun Sep 22 16:45:34 EDT 2024

Without going too far down the rabbit hole Howard nailed it! The 
excitement of building an antenna or a rig from old parts sparked the 
geek fire we had as kids. Beer can verticals and more breathed life into 
our dreams. Today it is worse than shack on a belt it is world wide 
communications holding something in our hand.
Well said Howard.
Sid K3SX

On 9/22/2024 4:31 PM, Howard Reynolds wrote:
> It WAS a big deal working K1WHS via the moon.  THAT'S what the WSJT suite
> of digital comms was meant for; not working stations that are S9+20.  Way
> back when, it was also a BIG DEAL working W3CCX on Camelback or W1DC on Mt.
> Agamenticus, ME with a Heathkit Twoer and 5-elements (homebrewed on a wood
> boom) from a fire tower on the Appalachian Trail in Maryland.
> If you leaned towards being a geek in the late 60s, your only option was to
> play with radios.  I wish that someone would have told me about Amateur
> Radio earlier than my Junior year in High School.  Today's challenge is to
> make these would be geeks think Ham Radio is much more of a BIG DEAL than
> being drawn in by smart phone apps.  I don't really know a specific answer
> to this.  Once in a great while, I succeed in getting a smart phone or
> computer app addict to get a little excited about what can be done by
> playing Ham Radio. WA3EOQ
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