[VHFcontesting] K8RYU tomorrow

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Tue Feb 4 10:11:57 EST 2025

Hello Ralph,

I know winter time conditions in the northern parts of the US of A are  
usually bleak, but you are at a good range to try something with at 
least a chance of hearing something. I checked the path distance between 
Marietta, OH, and Lebanon, ME. It looks like 610 miles.  I normally work 
WA3EOQ running just 100 watts, who is just East of you in western MD. He 
is at 502 miles. We have been successful 100% of the time on Tuesday 
nights. I think you and I have a chance at such a distance because you 
have a well equipped station and are running some power on 222.   I am 
proposing a CW sked using 30 second sequences starting at 23:15 UT and 
going to 23:30 UT.  I will take the 2nd sequence. Frequency  222.095. My 
frequency accuracy is within 100 Hz.  I am running 4 X 22 el at 106 ft 
agl.  TX is 1500 watts.  1 5/8" heliax feedline and a cavity preamp 
located right at the power divider on the array. My heading towards you 
is typically quiet. I suspect that we could work often during the summer 
months. I think we have a small chance to complete during winter . It is 
worth a try!  Let me know and I'll be there.

Maybe others on 222 can listen in as well.


Dave K1WHS

cell 207 608 5317 in the shack.

  On 2/3/2025 8:35 PM, Ralph wrote:

> Schedule as follows, on 222.137.  Will also be
> monitoring around 222.100.
> 2300Z   NE thru SE  Til 2315 at least
> 2330Z   South for K4jjd(?) I think it was...
> his email sounded like he needed a Qso
> or two...
> 0000Z   North toward NW
> 0030Z   Back to NE-SE for half an hour.
> I make a lot of noise...will CQ and listen for
> calls pretty much solid for the above 2 hrs.
> Will check again near 222.100 at 0100Z and
> 0200Z.
> All CQ's on CW, if you hear me and want to try
> SSB that is just a button away, if I can find the
> microphone somewhere on the bench.....
> Will try to hit 432 on Wed nite.
> de K8RYU
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