[WriteLog] MMTTY/RITTY on the same computer

Neal Campbell and Sarah Ferrell k3nc@arrl.net
Fri, 01 Jan 1904 00:14:17 -0400

Hi all

In answer to my own previous email a couple of weeks ago, you CAN run RITTY
and MMTTY on the same machine. You obviously need two sound cards, one of
which is compatible with RITTY. The real key for success is:
1. make sure RITTY runs okay standalone. Do not proceed unless this works!
2. fiddle with the multimedia control panel and make sure it prefers for
both recording and playing audio, the second audio card (i.e. the non ISA
SB16 card). This ensures that Windows always goes to this soundboard,
allowing RITTY to have access (via the BLASTER environmental variable) to
the SoundBlaster.

I was relatively convinced a week ago it could not work but I am currently
copying with both (with two radios!)


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