E-mail Russian RTTY Contest Logs & TARA & FAIRS Contest.

Ron Stailey, K5DJ Ron-Stailey@easy.com
Sat, 2 Aug 1997 16:47:25 -0500

I sent a msg to Yuri UA4LCQ asking if we could send our Russian RTTY 
contest logs via e-mail. In a second msg that I can't find right now
he said in TXT form would be best.  "Don't send (.BIN or .CNT) files.."

I also asked if the FAIRS RTTY Contest was still on for this year in 
December because of the TARA RTTY Sprint on the same day. Yuri said 
the FAIRS contest has been closed. TARA RTTY Sprints will be on Dec 
6th & 7th this year instead of the 13th - 14th.  Mainly because of 
the 10M contest on the same weekend of the 13th -14th..  TARA has 
high hopes of getting more participats in this years test without 
the date conflict with the 10M contest...        
  (E-Mail for RUSSIAN RTTY WW Contest is: <  ua4lcq@ulstu.ru  >

    73's, de Ron K5DJ
>From: "Yuri V. Katutin" <ua4lcq@ulstu.ru>
>To: "Ron Stailey, K5DJ" <Ron-Stailey@easy.com>
>Subject: Re: Question on Russian RTTY Contest
>Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 08:23:31 +0400
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>Hi dr Ron.
> Thanks for the msg.
>Yes, it's well be fine to me rcv contest log by e-mail.
>Also pease infor all (via digital journal) we clouse FAIRS rtty contest.
>best regards
>Yuri/UA4LCQ/KD4STR/S21ZL and e.t.c.