Joseph J. Duerbusch
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 21:00:56 +0100
Yesterday I upgraded Writelog 8.0 to Writelog 8.01 all ok
Today I downloaded RTY95UPG.EXE and I am having a problem.
1. I am running windows 95 with a 586/133 32 Meg memory
2. The install program worked fine, no problem and it put the
upgrade in the Ham\program directory.
3. When I run RTTYWrite, it give a message "initalizating PK-232".
This is where it stops. I had to use the alt-cntl-delete keys
to exit the program. The Pk232 was working with the old version
minutes before the install (I had to look at "about help" to see
what version it was).
4. Any Ideas? I will reinstall the old version for the contest.
Anybody else have this problem?
Joe K0BX
Joe Duerbusch K0BX St. Louis MO
jduerbusch@mdc.com at work
duerbusc@mo.net at home