Welcome to Rttyrite/WriteLog Contest S/W for Windows Reflector.

Ron Stailey, K5DJ Ron-Stailey@easy.com
Thu, 19 Jun 1997 19:53:55 -0500

    Welcome to: Rttyrite/WriteLog Contest S/W for Windows Reflector

Hello everyone an welcome the new reflector. This reflector's main use
it to discuss Rttyrite/WriteLog/WinRTTY or any related RTTY contest type
discussions that may come to mind.  Since Rttyrite isn't a RTTY only 
program we can discuss any portion or portions of the program where it be
RTTY, CW or SSB.  If it's in the program it's welcome here. RTTY contest
High Claimed Scores, Final Results will be listed here also.   

In general we would like to see discussions on how it works, new or better 
ways to use the program, advantages,  techniques in contest, new features, 
upgrades, want list etc. However, a  WANT LISTS are just that a want list. 
Please remember every thing can't be done all at the same time. Wayne 
W5XD has another job, Rttyrite/WriteLog/WinRTTY is a "so called" part 
time job. 

Above all this is NOT a place to come an raise cane about another program
where it be WF1B, OH2GI, CT, NA, TR or any other program. Lets Keep   
discussions where they belong.  On other reflectors I have seen flaming 
that should be directed to one or two people. An example of this is, if 
by chance you just got the program just before a contest and for some 
reason you couldn't  get it to work like you thought it should, or get it 
to work at all.  Direct all these type questions to: K5DJ, W5XD or WS7I.  
I assure you we can and will do everything possible to assist you in your 
time of need.. If you didn't get to do the contest because of this or that 
problem we are very sorry. However, flaming and raising cane on this 
reflector could give some people a chuckle, but it won't help the situation 
at all..  Just send these type flames to one of the three listed above and 
one of us will get back to you asap.  

I see many of the subscribers  have already purchased  Rttyrite/WriteLog 
some haven't.  For those of you that haven't here is some information 
above Rttyrite/WriteLog and WinRTTY that prehaps will start some 
discussions.. Here is some information about the program. What it does etc.
Rttyrite/WriteLog/WinRTTY are naturally all Windows based S/W.  In fact
fact they won't run under DOS at all..  Rttyrite will NOT run with the 
popular RITTY S/W it's a DOS based S/W.. 

WinRTTY is also a TNC replacement that works along with Rttyrite Contest
S/W for Windows.  We tried to convert it to work with our contest S/W for 
windows.   We were unable to come up with a way to interface a Windows 
program with a DOS TSR (which is what RITTY is). Instead, we came up 
with an alternative product, called WinRtty, that can decode RTTY from any
16 bit or larger sound board that can generate AFSK / FSK tones on any 
sound board as long as you have a Windows driver board.   WinRTTY is 
supplied with the Rttyrite/WriteLog package, all for one price on two
floppy disks..  

WinRTTY has been tested against RITTY and it holds it own real well..    
RITTY has autotune that we don't have as yet. We were trying to get every
thing going in time for Dayton'97 Convention and we just ran out of time..  
Autotune is coming asap.  When WinRTTY was first completed I asked 
Tyler K3MM (ex:kf2p) to compair WinRTTY with RITTY as I knew he had an up 
to date version of RITTY.  Here is a comment sent to me from Tyler K3MM 
when I asked him to test WinRTTY against RITTY.  
> Ron,
>I think the ATC in WinRTTY actually works a little better than RITTY.
> I could completely shift out either mark or space and get perfect 
>copy whereas RITTY tended to miss a few during the transition.
>Overall, I was impressed.
>73, Tyler K3MM

If you're interested Rttyrite is on sale for $50.00 until Aug 1st, 1997.  
You get Rttyrite for RTTY contesting, WriteLog for CW & SSB contests 
and WinRTTY.  Rttyrite also has many features no other RTTY contesting 
S/W has to my knowledge.  It can be used for everyday  DXing, rag 
chewing, logging as well as contesting with it's type ahead buffers..   

WriteLog has been around for quiet a while in the CW/SSB modes.  It was 
on the market at one time.  However, it was way ahead of it's time when 
it was on the market the first time. Most ops and people in general were 
all using DOS type S/W in buisness as well as contesting..  Rttyrite and 
WinRTTY has just been added to WriteLog many features.
Some of Rttyrite Features are: 
 1. Current Score Summary Window: With qso-mult-points, per band.
 2. Great Circle:(beam heading) Window which shows direction form your 
    QTH when call is put into call buffer.
 3. Rate Window: Shows QSO rate for the past 10 minutes and past hour 
    per band.
 4. Correlation Window: Which does a dupe check of any partial call sign
    from your log, as you type it, on each band.
 5. Callsign Super Check: Searches all file for a partial call sign. (You
    can get as in-depth as you want with this one.)
 6. Transmitter Lockout: For you single ops using 2 radio's.  It eliminates 
    the question of whether there were two radio's on at the same time, the 
    program won't let your do it!!!! (Naturally Lockouts can be On or Off.) 
    <<I'm sure we could get some good discussions going about this one..>>
 7. Networking: Link them all together, Rttyrite uses ethernet, no problems
    with interrupts IRQ's with ethernet, and it's 1000 time faster than 
    comports, and one hell of a lot cheaper than adding an extra comport 
 8. Band Map Window: It displays stations on frequency across each band 
    and color codes them appropriately, ie; dupe-mult point. Allows manual 
    entry or auto and will post stations appearing on DX-Clusters "Packet
spots". If you have radio control and want to go to the Frq of a new 
    mult spotted from your local DX Cluster a simple mouse click will put 
    you on his frq real quick..              
 9. Radio Control Supports:  Kenwood, Yeasu, Icom, Ten Tec, even JRC.
10. On Screen Logger: With either full screen or partial screen editing 
    with instant "as-edited" viewing.
11. Type Ahead Buffer: Lets you type ahead while in receive mode. It's 
    also nice to have this feature after a contest for ragchewing with 
    friends especially if your on a DX Pedition it comes in real handy.   
    Or just every day RTTY work.
12. WinRTTY: Can transmit and receive RTTY on any 16 bit or larger sound 
    board.  WinRTTY also provides a very good on screen scope. You can use 
    either FSK or AFSK transmissions.  Other TNC's supported, all Hal 
    Communications products, PK-232's at this time, all dumb terminals like
    Hal's ST-8000 and HD-3030's..  We have several European's begging for
    KAM's to be supported,  we are added KAM support at this time. (TNC 
    support is the weakest part of this program we are doing all we can do 
    to correct this as fast as possible.) Please be patient, all programming 
    is done by Wayne only...
13. Two (2) Radio/Frq's: On screen with packet spots and full rig control 
    all on one screen. (17" monitor recommended.) However, I'm using a 14".
14. Right Mouse Click to Select: Clear entry window, send exchange, tnx/qrz,
    log contact, which ever is appropriate.
15. Most all Windows can be inconized. All windows can be sized, shaped, or 
    closed to fit your particular needs, wants, desires..
16. Name file commonly know as: (Friend.ini) file:  We have a huge list of 
    names..   In the last ANARTS test I had over 65K of names in my name 
    file with no problems at all, on  two 486 X 100 computers..
17. Supported RTTY Contests: SARTG New Years Day, ARRL Roundup, WPX, BARTG,
contests will be supported asap.  Also all
    major contests on both CW and SSB modes.. Plus quiet a few that aren't 
    so major. 
18. Sound Board Voice Keying: (For you SSB Ops.) If you have ever used a 
    K1EA DVP voice keyer you know what it can do for you. The K1EA DVP 
    board is a nice piece of hardware. But it doesnt do anything you can't 
    do with a Windows sound board. WriteLog supports voice recorded trans-
    mission on any 16 bit or larger sound board. We don't even include a 
    recording function in our software because Windows has a very nice one 
    built in for free. Just look in Accessories, Sound Recorder. The same 
    tool lets you test and edit your recordings, adjust the levels etc. 
    Then just follow the instructions for putting the WAV files where 
    WriteLog will find them and F2 through F11 will transmit your voice on 
    cue. It's real slick.. You don't get all the cableing etc but it doesn't 
    cost you $250.00 to have Sound board voice keying either.
The Rttyrite program has been tested in several categories. S/Op, Multi/2,
M/M contesting environments. Each time getting better.  Rttyrite Contesting   
achievements since it beginning:
 1. TARA RTTY Sprints: (Highest Claimed Score) S/Opr High Power Category,  
    K5DJ Opr.
 2. ARRL RTTY Roundup Contest: (Highest Claimed Score) S/Opr High Power
    Category,  K5DJ Opr.
 3. World-Wide RTTY WPX Contest: Rttyrite set a New World Record using call
    WU3V/5 @ W5WMU's station in Louisiana. Full networking was used for the
    first time as a M/M operation. Ops; WU3V, W5WMU, K5DJ, WS7I, K7WM, 
    W5XD, K5JZ..
 4. BARTG RTTY DX Contest: Rttyrite set another Claimed World Record in M/M
   Category. This was more like a (Multi/2 Operation than a M/M with only 
   two operators.  Ops: K5DJ, AA5AU..
There is a free test version of WriteLog on our web page you can get. 
Writelog Ver-7.36..  It has the CW/SSB features and you can get a feel 
for it if you wish. It doesn't cover RTTY in this version.. See our web 
page at:   << http://people.delphi.com/w5xd/writelog.html >>  
You can also download our new manual Ver-8.0 for Rttyrite/WriteLog/WinRTTY.  
While our S/W is on sale we are charging $10.00 for the manual (My cost for 
printing) or you can download it for free..
Running Rttyrite with a TNC like Hal Communications P38 or PK-232, all is 
well with most 386/486 type computers.  Running Rttyrite with WinRTTY both  
at the same time you will need a 486 X 100 minimum computer or things slow 
down quiet a bit..    

There is also a semi review of Rttyrite by: Wayne Matlock, K7WM on Jim's 
Gazette you may want to read. << http://www.n2hos.com/digital/k7wm.html >>

If you would like to purchase Rttyrite Contest S/W for Windows, send me a 
check for $50.00 dollars and I will send you an http:// address to download 
the program form.  Or I will send two disks what ever you prefer. The manual 
if free if you download it, (see above http:// address)  Sorry no credit 
cards as yet..

If I can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to drop us a 
note.  I think Rttyrite has everything you would need to have a winning 
contest season.  

Questions about the program can be sent direct to the net or directed to 
the following addresses:

     Ron K5DJ  < k5dj@easy.com
   Wayne W5XD  < w5xd@delphi.com >
     Jay WS7I  < jayt@iea.com > 
    73's, de Ron K5DJ  



        _  __________________________________________________   _
       / ) |          Ron Stailey, K5DJ (ex:ab5kd)           | ( \
      / /  |          504 Dove Haven Drive                   |  \ \
   __( (_  |          Round Rock, Texas 78664-5926           |  _) )__
  (((\  \> |/-)       (512) 255-5000-(Shack Phone)        (-\| </  /)))
  (\\\\  \_/ /        E-Mail- k5dj@easy.com                \ \_/  ////)
   \        /      Rttyrite Contest S/W for Windows:        \        /
    \     _/             Win'95 - 3.11 - 3.1                 \_     /
     )   / |             Distributed by: K5DJ                |  \   (
    /   /  |   http://people.delphi.com/w5xd/writelog.html   |   \   \
   /   /   |_________________________________________________|    \   \