Field Day RTTY

Ron Stailey, K5DJ
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:17:11 -0500

>I think that its high time that we start a RTTY contest and run in on
>Field Day. Same exchange, but let foreign stations work as well.

  Yes and DX in on the action at the sametime.  

>Give the ARRL something to think about. This second, third class
>citizen stuff has gone on far to long.

  Yes I'm sure all of us could have a great time.. 

>I think that we can round up a sponser and whatcha think?

  If dear old mother ARRL doesn't want to allow digital communications
  and even slot like CW & SSB then we will just have our own..  I'm 
  sure we can get a Plaque sponsored real quick..  

   What do the rest of you think???

   73's, de Ron K5DJ