QTC's and WAE

Jose Albuquerque ct1aoz@mail.telepac.pt
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 21:12:57 -0000

Hi Joe
Hi everybody ho uses the WRITELOG

Yes Joe


All we thks to RON and WAYNE for the excellent work they are doing with
The WAEDC  was very very complicated to  rx / tx qtcs  before having this
program! It works so well and so easy...
Did you try it in CW and in PHONE ? its fantastic. I have used the SOUND
BLASTER AWE 32 to send cq in ssb and it really helps.

TKS to Wayne and Ron for the excellent work.
best 73 for all of you guys...
from Jose
ct1aoz, Jose Albuquerque

ICQ: 4334073

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph J. Duerbusch K0BX <duerbusc@mo.net>
To: Ron <k5dj@easy.com>
Cc: RttyWrite <rttywrite@larry.wu3v.net>
Date: Terça-feira, 11 de Novembro de 1997 16:52
Subject: QTC's and WAE

>Just a short note to Ron K5DJ to thank him for his excellent and timely
>note on how to use the QTC function in Writelog.
>I had printed it off and had it next to me during the contest.
>I tryed a few of the commands, ctl-r, ctl-s before the
>contest but it really didn't do anything until the first
>station asked to send some QTC's.  It worked the first
>time and was very easy to use.  This is the first WAE RTTY
>contest that I have ever accepted QTC's, before it was
>too much trouble.  Again thank you Ron as you note was
>easier to understand than the manual.
>de K0BX Joe
>Joe K0BX - St. Louis Mo
>duerbusc@mo.net @ home
>joseph.j.duerbusch@boeing.com @work
>K0BX@juno.com  for junk mail