( Sante ) IK0HBN ik0hbn@isa.it
Sat, 08 Nov 1997 04:42:00 +0100

Hi everybody,
I have writelog not allowing me sending/receiving QTC's. It has taken me as
an extra-European station....allows sending only to European stations not
to the Extra...
any idea where I could have wrong?
Ciao Sante
THIS MESSAGE WAS SENT BY:         (.)(.)                    
Sante Lillo, IK0HBN                   | Home  telephone: +39-761-407543 
Localita' Saineta, 3                  | Fax on request : as above
01030 Bassano in Teverina (VT) Italy  | Cell. telephone: +39-338-6825052
E-Mail: ik0hbn@isa.it                 | packet: IK0HBN@I0INU.IUMB.ITA.EU
Home Page: <http://www.qsl.net/ik0hbn>| DX cluster : IK0HBN > I0JBL-6